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caffeine, nicotine and adhd

caffeine, nicotine and adhd2011-06-22T03:56:32+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    (i may have posted this originally in the wrong place. i’m just trying to figure this out) (i have no “formal” adhd diagnosis, but my new psychiatrist suggested that i may be adhd a few weeks ago, and asked me to do some research. i meet with him again at the end of the month. i have been interested in the videos and forums that i have read on this site, so i am going to post my question again in a new “title”:) (i’m just trying to get a handle on all of this . . .)

    i am not on medication, although i do indeed believe i must be add (as MD suggested). HOWEVER i am wondering about the role of caffeine: i know it is a stimulant, but i cannot drink it (it makes me very anxious!!). would this be a rule-out factor for add? (or potentially medication that may help my scattered brain?) i will say that NICOTINE calms my mind and allows me to focus . . . any thoughts? thanks in advance!!


    Post count: 14413

    Nicotine is a popular form of self-medication but very bad for your health. I am a former smoker so I can relate to how it feels, and how hard it is to quit. Starting smoking was the stupidest thing I ever did and quitting it was the best thing I ever did (except for looking into ADD).

    I just started a thread on this: http://totallyadd.com/forum/topic.php?id=1561&replies=1#post-12472


    Post count: 14413


    Don’t rule out ADHD because caffeine makes you anxious. It does the same to me. In fact, I had to give it up recently. Yet a small prescribed dose of what is essentially “speed” calms me down and lets me focus. Ironic, no?


    Not all stimulants are the same.

    Although there is some evidence to suggest that caffeine can mediate the syptoms of ADHD, it is not a dopamine reuptake inhibitor like the stimulants prescribed to treat ADHD.

    Stick with your psychiatrist, get the diagnosis (if applicable), try medication, and then you can stop playing amateur chemist with your nervous system.

    Remember,the meds are finely-tuned, with your unique brain chemistry in mind. Above all, don’t take medical advice from someone who isn’t a medical professional. I cannot stress this enough!!! There is a reason that doctors go to school for a decade.


    Post count: 14413

    thanks wreckedangle. my psychiatrist explained this to me when i saw him again this past week. i have the utmost respect and confidence in this doctor who has changed my life. i have been re-framing my life with an entirely new lens. i have become far more patient, tolerant and compassionate with myself. in a very short amount of time. again, thanks for your response, i just wanted some thoughts on the role of caffeine and nicotine . . .


    Post count: 14413


    Right on bro, or sis, or whatever. I didn’t mention that I’m an incouragable self-medicator. Some of my pent-up frustration no-doubt came out in my post…. I’m just kind of pissed off at this this point that I’ve spent years using readily available chemicals to try and “get my head straight”, when the whole time I had a legitimate medical condition that required legitimate medication.

    If the majority of the population can’t understand that amphetamines slow me down and allow me to focus, then thats due to their ignorance, and no-one else’s.

    Stay Up, Get Down, Be You.




    Post count: 14413

    Hello again =)

    it appears like we have even more in common.

    I have always been kind of a hyper and anxious person. I have horrible effects with Caffeine. anxiety, tremors, irritability, heart racing, you name it! I have always had problems with concentration..I feel like do everything at half the speed of anyone else..terrible thought organization..talk excessively..interrupt people. Anyhow, I never thought I could have ADHD because of my caffeine reaction. (I also have problems with sudafed). I was recently desperate about my new job (just could not keep up) and very fearfully tried stimulant meds. I experienced some bodily symptoms, but less anxiety with the stimulants! I am doing better on the long-acting vyvance and have only experienced physical symptoms when I forgot to eat. Perhaps due to its slow release mechanism and less emphasis on norepinephrine. See the calm on vyvance thread. I babble on and on about this topic.


    Post count: 14413

    Caffeine, nicotine, and sweets were the main stay of my diet for many years. I did manage to quit smoking with Welbutrin but I still drink plenty of caffeine and eat lots of sweets. It’s not healthy but I crave it.. I am not any medication for add but would it take some of the cravings for caffeine and sweets away?


    Post count: 913

    >>i will say that NICOTINE calms my mind and allows me to focus <<

    Almost any smoker – those addicted anyway – is likely to tell you that ….

    and I can’t believe every smoker I know who won’t/can’t quit and states the above reason is ADD……

    I have 3 to 5 cups of coffee every morning, and sleep best when I drink a Pepsi or Coke just before bed.


    Post count: 14413


    I have quited smoking 6yrs ago. (30cig/day) I did not know about my ADHD at that time but I now understand that it was a kind of self medication. Since I stopped smoking, I drink a lot more caffein (7-15cups/day, sometimes less because of stomachache…)

    I found out about ADHD in march 2011 and I’m on meds for a month (caffein use has decreased to 3-5 cups/day)

    Before going to a see a doctor, I read some articles about ADHD and heavy smokers. I found it very interesting and wanted to understand how nicotine worked for me. But I did not want to smoke…

    A friend gave me a patch of nicotine and I tried it : and… It was great! …until I got nausea 3 hours later and removed the patch…

    Nicotine helped me to concentrate, I was less distracted and I was much better socially.

    I always thought that the social effect of cigarette was linked to the fact that I had something to do with my hands. This experiment made me think differently :

    -better ability to concentrate

    -decreased distractibility

    -improved sociability. (Less socially inept ^^, ability to pay attention and be interested in a conversation)

    -but nausea…

    and we all know the effect of nicotine on health ( linked to smoking or nicotine?)


    Post count: 2

    Having just quit recently,  I find this very interesting.

    I quit 6 weeks ago using Chantix (and a 2 day set of flights from India to US to start my cold turkey with)

    I am definitely less focused.  Enough to start looking for ADD info again and contemplating going back on meds.

    It’s been 10 years since I first and last tried ADD meds.  Concerta.

    I know it helped, but I was irritable.

    Looks like I am getting off topic. ( I love that, on this site, I do not have to go back and erase and retype half of my post)  😉

    Anyway,  I didn’t quit due to fear of loosing the focusing aid I believed came with my cigarette use.

    I finally quit due to breathing issues.

    The wheezing is gone, and so is my focus.


    Post count: 3

    I would say nicotine is the closest thing to Adderall as far as non-prescription drugs. I have started chewing nicotine gum or using chewing tobacco when the effect of my medication starts to run out when I have to work late.

    My Adderall dosage is 30mg/day but the length of my workday and my size (200+ lbs) make it necessary to take more than that on a typical workday (necessitates not taking meds on the weekends). I guess I should maybe ask my Doc if he’ll increase my dosage but based on his past comments he didn’t seem very open to increasing it beyond 30 mg a day because he was concerned it would raise blood pressure too much.

    I drink A LOT of coffee, but I don’t think it helps concentration aside from enabling you to be awake and alert.



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