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Careful, there is a PMS question inside

Careful, there is a PMS question inside2010-07-17T05:10:17+00:00

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    Post count: 58

    Ok, i was recently diagnosed. i am at the moment on 50mg of strattera. and something funny is going on. all right, i got the racing hart when i first started on the 25mg. it went away within a couple of days, i don’t think it was a problem by the end of the second day. then i upped to 50mg and didn’t get this side effect. today i am getting it. and its real intense. i am PMSing. this is my first cycle on strattera. i do have extream PMS and menestration symptoms. i looked in the topic on PMS in the section on PMS and didn’t find what i was looking for. ladies what are your thoughts and expearinces. anyone out there have pms effecting their side effects? and was it better the next cycle?


    Post count: 14413

    I’m not on Strattera so I don’t have the documentation in front of me to check on possible side effects. If you still have yours, reread it and see if it makes any mention of a racing heartbeat. If you haven’t got the pharmacy’s handouts anymore, give your pharmacist a call.

    Have you ever had a racing heartbeat as part of your usual PMS? If you’re concerned, by all means call your MD. You’ll feel more at ease if you know that everything is okay.


    Post count: 58

    I’ve been trying to find an answer to this and have not had luck, pharmacist is on vacation and i don’t know the person that’s in there right now. but i did find bit of personal experience on this subject here in anouther fourm. i will see how it goes soon enough.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Pretty much any ADHD medication—including the non-stimulant Strattera—can raise your blood pressure, and that can raise your pulse. This often only lasts for the first few days after starting on it, or increasing the dosage. My doctor says this is just your body adjusting to the new medication/dosage. But if it lasts for more than a few days, you may have a serious problem, which you need to see your doctor about.

    My doctor has me monitoring my blood pressure every couple of days, and keeping a record of it. You may want to do this too, so you can better discuss it with your doctor. The monitoring can be done on the big blood pressure device at most pharmacies, or you can get your own home blood pressure device, for between $45 and $150. All of these devices will check your pulse at the same time as they’re checking your blood pressure.

    As for the PMS issue, PMS is caused by your hormones going really wonky, which can raise your stress levels, and increased stress can cause high blood pressure. So it’s possible, I suppose, that this could be what you’re experiencing. Best to check your blood pressure when this happens, and to discuss it with your doctor.

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