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December 2, 2014 at 2:36 pm #126291
Hey everyone,
New to the forums, but I have been battling ADD and ADHD for the past 20 years and wanted to see what someone might know about cannabidiol or cbd for treatment. One of my closest friends, who also struggles with the same issues, has started taking cbd products about a month ago. He is telling me that in all the years he has been on all sorts of different medications and therapies, that these cbd products are actually helping him with his ADD and ADHD. I find it hard to believe and am a little skeptical, but I am tired of taking heavy prescription medications that cause me more issues than relief. Is there anyone out there that can elaborate more on this?
REPORT ABUSEDecember 2, 2014 at 3:55 pm #126292@Ajfincher, it comes from marijuana, and it’s the chemical substance that doesn’t produce a “high”.
It may help with social anxiety (which can often be comorbid with ADHD), but it doesn’t help with the Executive Functioning problems that define ADHD.
Also, it hasn’t been tested nearly as much as legitimate ADHD meds, nor is it nearly as well-regulated as ADHD meds.
More testing is needed, but so far, we know that: It doesn’t treat ADHD symptoms; it’s not as safe, and it doesn’t last as long, as legitimate ADHD meds.
December 3, 2014 at 11:13 am #126293Thanks Larynxa, I appreciate the info. My friend tells me that the products he uses comes from agricultural hemp and NOT marijuana. I would love to know where you get your information regarding CBD because I want to be absolutely sure before I jump into anything for my treatment. I have been on all sorts of those “legitimate meds” and they have only caused me more pain and issues with my ADD/ADHD.
REPORT ABUSEDecember 4, 2014 at 9:11 am #126294@Ajfincher, I learned about ADHD and marijuana & CBD from this video:
I’d also suggest that you watch the three archived webinars with Dr. Charles Parker ( He talks about ADHD meds and how the body uses them, in great detail. Often, it’s not that meds are all wrong for a person; it’s that the person’s doctor doesn’t know all the latest information about exactly how each med is metabolized and which neurotransmitter genes it works on. He also discusses how specific sensitivities can cause problems with meds, and how to solve them.
REPORT ABUSEJune 26, 2018 at 3:03 pm #130629I have been taking Adderall XR off and on for the past 5 to 7 years. My regular doctor said I should stop taking it even because it raises BP and heart rate, even though I dont have any concerns in that area. I went off of it for over a year and it was a struggle. I recently went back on it. Even though I can benefit from it daily I generally take it 4 days a week.
I started taking high quality medical grade CBD oil about two weeks ago and I really think I can see this as either a replacement for or use in conjunction with Adderal. It really had a positive effect. My ADD is inattentive mostly, but my biggest issue is a restless mind, I just cant shut it off mist times. I really didn’t think the CBD oil would have any benefit at all. As most know there is no HIGH associated with CBD it does not have TCH and does not get you high. The effect fir me 15 to 20 miiligrams in the morning and again in afternoon was very helpful. It is subtle, but in my case it feels like a very thin film or or lens that encases the mind. It gives me a sense of calm and calms my restless mind and really does help me to concentrate at the task at hand. There is a subtle sense of thoughts as well as visual objects just have a sense of clarity, like everything is in the right place and takes away the sense of restlessness and worry that I should be focusuing on or doing something else. This has been my experience, I am sure that it is different for everyone and I am sure there are different grades and kinds of strains that CBD is derived from. So far, iut has been helpful and has let me step back a bit from the stimulants. I think it has promise.
REPORT ABUSEJune 26, 2018 at 3:10 pm #130636If you can get pass the stigma of CBD being derived form Cannabis, HEMP or Marijuana – its better. The CBD helps with so many things, inflammation, arthritis, seizures, cancer – it an anti inflammatory and I’m not a doctor but from what I know there rae zero negative health side effects. Big Pharma doesn’t like it because they cant charge you for it – yet but they will find away. In most states you need a medial marijuana card – which is a big process and I know some people can get hung up on that – I mean you tell your kids not to do drugs and its illegal – except when you get a med card – that’s just a piece of paper. If it helps as medication, it is medication – there should be no stigma. Plus the Med Marijuana CBD is regulated, dosed correctly and pure. Its not like buying some crap on the street you don’t know what’s in it. In states where marijuana is available recreationally – I found that a lot of times they don’t carry a lot of CBD oil, because its mostly about getting high.
REPORT ABUSEJune 26, 2018 at 11:26 pm #130643CBD oil comes from hemp or marijuana, but does not have tch and does not get you high. I don’t understand why someone said it isn’t safe, ax there are zero studies that say CBD is harmful. It may not be right for you, but it is nit harmful unless someone has a specific known reaction. By the way, certain strains of pot WITH TCH have also been known to be helpful, but that is a separate issue. Most of the research comes out of Israel. The reason there isn’t a lot of research is because the U S treats it on the dame level as herin – which is absurd.
REPORT ABUSEJuly 5, 2018 at 2:44 am #130664I haven’t had any experience with CBD oil. After reading this thread, I am wondering if it might help with getting a good nights sleep. i.e. getting my brain to wind down! If so, how does it impact quality of sleep?