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Changing Education Paradigms- What Do YOU Think?

Changing Education Paradigms- What Do YOU Think?2011-02-02T21:47:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Changing Education Paradigms- What Do YOU Think?

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  • #89080

    Post count: 14413

    I Found this on “ted talks” website and I wanted to hear peoples opinions to it. half way through it discusses ADHD. My first reaction was upsetting and “he doesn’t know anything” but if you really watch its very interesting and I wanted to know what others thought.



    Post count: 14413

    Hi lindsay.r….I’ve seen the video before, I believe it to be terribly accurate…… sure there are some questions that go along with it but….. for the most part it is similar to my take on the Educational System…. always has been. I have a post on this site Re: Education System ……… the reason I posted it is I think that the educational system does not serve all of the people. I believe the system is slanted in a manner similar to the description in the video.

    I feel the system is geared toward the linear/compartmentalized brained majority of our society. It’s their’s they built it they manage it on a day to day basis. There may be arguments for that…. likely the areguments are fiscal in nature $$$$$$…….. but that still does not solve the existing educational issues. There is a whole segment of society for whom the system does not work very well. There is a whole segment of society….. the change agents of society… the people who invent and change our society and move it forward… or indifferent directions who are struggling with this educational system….read the posts on this site. Those people have to wade through our existing school system (if they are lucky)…. only to be faced with a population of linear/compartmentalized thinking people…… who generally will put a sword to any talk of change…. or moving away from traditional function………

    Do I agree yes……….. maybe there are some slight differences…. but YES………. what are we doing about it…NOTHING!!!

    Sure some folks here are sparkling……. have done fabulous…multiple degrees etc……. but that seems to not be the majority.

    All status quo takes is people to do nothing…….. so here we sit with issues up the Ying Yang……. and not any sort of organized movement to start a drive for change??????

    Rant time for me……. it pisses me off!!!!



    Post count: 40


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