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Command Adhesive Cellphone charging unit

Command Adhesive Cellphone charging unit2010-11-16T03:11:32+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Command Adhesive Cellphone charging unit

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  • #88616

    Post count: 173

    Here’s a handy little product. 3M makes this cellphone charging unit that gets hung on the wall with command adhesive strips. The unit even has a little hook to hold the charging cord so you don’t have to go fishing for it.

    I like that I can hang my cellphone next to the door, so I see it, and remember to take it with me when I go. Also, having it up on the wall instead of on a flat surface means that I don’t end up burying it in paper.

    The other great thing about it, was that it was so easy to hang up. Just stick the little strips to the unit, and then on the wall. You don’t have to worry about finding your hammer or patching the wall later.

    And the stuff really sticks, too. I’ve had it up for years, and it hasn’t budged at all. Also, I’ve used other 3M Command Adhesive products at home and in my classroom and can say that their claims about it not leaving marks has been true for me.

    Just figured that this was a little tip that someone else might be able to use.

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