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Concerns about sudden discontinuation of Concerta at 54mg.?

Concerns about sudden discontinuation of Concerta at 54mg.?2011-08-08T18:55:06+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Concerns about sudden discontinuation of Concerta at 54mg.?

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    Last week my psychopharmacologist (or, as I like to call her, Dr. Feelgood) increased my dosage of Concerta to 54 mg. Dr. F gave me a firm warning: “Do not stop taking Concerta at this dosage without checking in with me to we can wean you off.” I asked her what could happen and she said that she’s seen patients who upon sudden discontinuation (e.g., like they forgot to refill their prescription in time) had been “practically delirious”. She explained that skipping a day or two at a lower dose won’t do anything beyond not relieving ADHD symptoms, but at higher doses you should be more careful.

    I’m curious if others have received similar warnings and/or if they’ve had experiences skipping a dose of 54 mg. I’m especially curious because I’ve been known to skip a day or two if things get wonky getting a new Rx and getting it filled. (Darned Schedule 2 drugs!)

    TY for your response.

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