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Cymbalta for ADHD with comorbid mood disorders (combined with Concerta)

Cymbalta for ADHD with comorbid mood disorders (combined with Concerta)2010-12-20T03:17:12+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I am currently taking Concerta and weaning off generic Prozac in preperation for me starting Strattera.

    I have noticed both good and bad while weaning off the Prozac but I am a bit nervous about completely doing away with the SSRIs. I am noticing that my anxiety and depression is increasing as I am weaning off but I feel that my lethargy and lack of motivation is decreasing as well as other Prozac related symptoms I felt increased when I started taking Concerta with the Prozac.

    My doctor recommended I try a combination of Strattera for longer term relief of symptoms and Concerta to help give me a short term boost. I know Strattera is an NRI but I want to get some thoughts on how Cymbalta, an SNRI, can work for someone with ADHD with a comorbid mood disorder (anxiety and depression).

    I believe Cymbalta has the best of both worlds in that it’s not just an NRI but I want to get more info on this. What do you think?


    Post count: 14413

    Cymbalta was the worst drug I ever took. I started drinking to get rid of the side effects and withdrawal is BAD, check out cymbaltawithdrawal.com – I almost lost my best friend/boyfriend. I take ritalin 20mg 3.5 times a day and wellbutrin. much healthier.

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