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Denied getting a prescription

Denied getting a prescription2013-11-27T19:49:09+00:00

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    Post count: 2

    So a little back story first, I was test for ADHD when I was a child and was shown to be only borderline.  As I got older into my high school years the symptoms seemed to be becoming worse, I constantly had horrible grades and bad attendance.  They tested me for ADHD in school and said I definitely had it an I was immediately prescribed medication and took it through the end of my sophomore year until I graduated and both my attendance and grades improved greatly (going from Ds to As and Bs).

    After graduation I stopped taking the medication, because I had no job and no real responsibilities.  Fast forward about 2 years I moved across the country and now would like to take classes again, as now I have actually found a passion for knowledge, yet I have the same troubles in highschool.  I have a job now, but I don’t make much so I have to go to a local clinic where they give me a discount.  Well today I had an appointment to see if I could get my prescription again after about of waiting.

    When I got there basically right off the bat she hinted that she wouldn’t give me the prescription.  I explained my situation, explained how it has helped my life drastically every time I’ve taken it, she said that it didn’t matter because it helps everybody because it’s a stimulant.  She then went into telling me basically no matter what she would not give me the prescription ever because there are other people that abuse it and sell it illegally, while also hinting that my high IQ was a sign that my ADHD was manageable.  I asked her what I should do about studying then and she told me to buy a book, and make some schedules and plans.  I told her I have long term plans in programming and she basically told me that wasn’t an ideal choice of profession because of outsourcing (despite it actually being part of my dream and is near impossible for me to do over long periods of time without being on my prescription).  She then stated I should make daily plans (which seems like some sort of cruel joke, as if I don’t make them already it’s just impossible for me to follow through with them 90% of the time) and I told her I try as it is.

    Then at the end of the meeting she basically just ignored everything I had said previously and told me to buy a book and make a meeting with a chancellor who would help me make a plan and schedule.

    This is just so frustrating to me, I’ve probably listened to 5 audio books on the subject already and tried everything (I have trouble staying with any book for very long so audio books make it easier as I can listen to them at work).  I can’t afford to go to any other doctor or psychiatrist and she told me almost word for word that she would never prescribe me it because other people abuse it.

    Are there any other choices I have?  I honestly just don’t know what to do anymore, not getting this prescription is basically giving up on a dream I’ve had since I was little.  This has been one of the hardest days I’ve had to go through in over a decade.


    Post count: 906


    I’m so sorry to hear this. And angry and shocked and frustrated.

    Unfortunately, I can’t offer you any advice, since I don’t understand how the system works in the US. But I’m sure someone who lives on your side of the border will be able to help you out there.

    As for this doctor….I’m assuming “she” is a doctor….tell her she shouldn’t be allowed to practice medicine because some people abuse their medical licence. She needs some serious education on the subject of ADHD.

    In her defence, she probably does have to be careful prescribing stimulants because of the abuse potential. But there is no reason to not prescribe it to someone who obviously needs it for medical reasons.



    Post count: 21


    I would simply look for another adhd doctor that accepts sliding scale payments.
    It sounds to me as this doctor can’t or not allowed to prescribe a schedule 2 drug.


    Post count: 2

    I have attempted to contact another doctor that I was told had a sliding scale, but their prices were about twice as much as I make a month per visit without insurance even with a sliding scale.



    Post count: 906

    @stalebread Ouch! I had no idea doctors are that expensive. In light of that, I suggest you move to Canada. 😉

    Is there any kind of disability support organization that could help you out?  They could maybe put you in touch with another doctor or help to cover the fees. Also, I would go back to the clinic and ask that doctor point blank if she is allowed to prescribe the medication or not. And if the answer is yes then ask why she will not prescribe it for you.

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