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Disability in the U.S.?

Disability in the U.S.?2010-12-29T06:36:09+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Disability in the U.S.?

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  • #88892

    Post count: 14413

    Is ADD/DEPRESSION a disability in the U.S.?


    Post count: 913

    As defined by……? who?

    For social security disability, you’d need to contact your local DDS (disability determination services, in Iowa, it’s part of Voc Rehab, which is under the department of ed)

    There you will talk to examiners, etc. and they determine disability. Remember, like so many things, there’s a whole range.

    I’m AD/HD to the extreme, and they would never consider me disabled – because there ARE jobs I can do. I drive everyone around me totally crazy, but because there’s things I can do, and I am trainable (yeah, like a hyper puppy)……. I’d not pass the “disability” testing.

    I happen to work for voc rehab and know about our sister agency, DDS…………


    Post count: 14413

    Thank you for the info!


    Post count: 14413

    I was wondering about tax disability credit in the U.S. also ? i like the hyper puppy comment… :)


    Post count: 14413

    I have adhd and anxiety and I’m on disability but that could be more for the anxiety. If you do go on disability try to seek help with therapy and partime work that you can do so that way you can have a stepping stone to get back on the horse becuase unless you’re near retirement age you don’t want to live on a paltry government salary and watch your life pass you by. That’s my situation now and this lousy economy is not making it any easier for me to get up off the ground.


    Shadow Nexus
    Post count: 181

    I got on disability with ADHD. It was the cascade of affects it had on my life that got me on. The affects ADHD had on my life were severe enough. Use ADHD and everything combined together when you apply.


    Post count: 14413

    Good advise. I’m going to try to at least get a disability exemption for the property taxes on the house I inherited from my parents.


    Post count: 14413

    Im in fl and ive really been wanting -no- needing to get on disability. Im not a highly trainable hyper puppy, im a calm puppy who i you said SPEAK FIDO id ask you what language then procede to name all of them and their countries of origin followed by brief history of those countries then explain to you the countries ive visited especially when i went to jamaica with my best friend and her boyfriendn how we went jet skiiing and the lax in rules as far as jet skiing in jamaica as opposed to fl where i was raised…you get the picture (even in writing this my example was supposed to stop at the history of different countries…now pausing to reread ad figure out the point i was trying to make). I am more than capable of following ur command to speak, but id still be the puppy gettin the gas mask at the end of the day. From the age of 17-23 (present) i have had 7 jobs yet have no references. Almost all my employers love me and think i have the potential to be their best employee ever but as for actually CONSISTANTLY doing my job right, i cant. I thought it was that all the entry level jobs just werent challenging enough for me so i dismissed it. Until i went to school for surgical technology, grad usa ted top of my class, got a great job at one americas best and bussiest hospitals, and STILL effed it up. I thriugh everybody for a loop! I coukd do an 8 hrs transplant surgery without help from someone ekse in my position but then completey ruin everything for a wart removal…or i can do everything perfect all day but consistantly forget to give the doctor gloves before surgery. Ive taught doctors how to use equipment but then randomly wont have it set up for them when they need it causing them to think i dont know how to do it…

    ANYWAY. after losing this job, my beloved career, is when it clicked for me that it wasnt just a fluke, i am believe i am incapable of ever mai.taining a real job…or not even a real job, a sucky job even. I couldnt flip burgers if they were matresses. I make burgers and forget the meat (i am not kidding with this one. Ive done that and ive preped n entire mornings wirth of diugh or pizza hut and in the morning alk the trays of dough were nicely greased yet empty…50 times in row i remembered to add the oil to the pan but i forgot to put the dough in it, apparently i just put the dough back in the freezer) . I have even looked up if there is something worse than ADD cuz this is rediculous…this is how i am MEDICATED. I feel like a walking meth lab from all the drugs ive tried out with my dr and we settled on 50mg addys XR…this has worked best minus the fact that it turned my already brain crippling insomia into something unimaginable.

    The point i am trying to get to is even though its hard to do, can someone please please.please help my figure out how to get diability. I wanna work so bad but literallyi cant. And if the ADD wasnt enough of a disability idk if its ptsd from losing my career or what but i am now mind numingly terrified to attempt to work. Every now n then i try n get back on the horse doing something super easy like bus monitoring for children (im great with kids, almost ADD proof with them) but i have an actual physical responce of anxiety when it comes to speaking to the employer. Like i dont mind turning in apps so long as nobody asks me to work. I feel like no matter what it is im just gonna eff it uo. (yes ive spiraled into a grwat depression with this that i am almost out of now)

    So between my ADD, insomnia, anxiety, depression, and possible ptsd…i should be able to qualify right? If this is the case has someone written a HOW TO guide for filing for disability for the “average”adder? Ive gone to the sites numerous times n they are overwhelming…idk what to do anymore…i really jusy dont know.

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