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Do anxiety symptoms with one mean anxiety symptoms with any (med)?

Do anxiety symptoms with one mean anxiety symptoms with any (med)?2011-07-31T13:52:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Concerta Do anxiety symptoms with one mean anxiety symptoms with any (med)?

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    I had a bad reaction to Concerta (i think it was because of mixing it with caffiene, which my doctor AND the pharmacist did not mention anything about). The only reason I drank caffeine with it tho was because it made me feel really out of it, and i don’t think I accomplished anything at all. (Worse than without it.) Realized I didn’t say what my bad reaction was. (There was really not much of a good reaction in the first place). To tell ya the truth, I THOUGHT I was having a heart-attack. But I have Generalized anxiety disorder. After talking to some people, I am convinced I was having a panic attack, just never had one that bad before. and I don’t have heart problems or anything. If it was the Concerta that brought that out, does that mean that any stimulant would do the same thing? I know, I know, talk to my doctor. But I’d like to hear some of your opinons first

    If I had a bad (and not even helpful) reaction to Concerta, does that mean I should not try any other stimulant medications? (Already tried Strattera, MUCH more drowsiness and all-around feeling of crappiness than Concerta. Concerta helped for the first hour at least, but after that I had no interest in anything, even things I like to do. Like talking to people.) but yeah, i think I got my question out, so I’m gonna cut this short here.

    I know that medical advice should only be followed if given by a doctor, but I’m more looking for advice on HOW to talk to my doctor. I’m not taking my Concerta currently. The end.

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