The Forums › Forums › Medication › Vyvanse › do i need more? is this normal?

February 16, 2015 at 7:54 pm #126692
Hi everybody, this is my first time using this website and am glad to meet everyone. Im 19 and have been on vyvanse for about 6 months for college. I had it for ever but fought against medication buti knew needed it for college. Especially cus i had a tough senior year without parents motivating me to do work like they did when i was little. Im on 40 but im planning on going up soon.
So today i needed to get some work done, so i tried something new and took one at 8 and one at 1. I dont feel like i am on 80 mg i feel like i maybe took 50. Is this normal or do i just need a higher dose? I thought because vyvanse lasts for 12 hours i would feel great but i feel pretty ordinary. Just wondering if i should be feeling it more or if if vyvanse doesnt stack like that. thanks in advance -4moecon
Also, i was wondering if everything i say on this wesite is completely confidential. Like if i admit to technically abusing my drug like i did in this post could i potentially get in trouble? sorry lol i don’t usually do it but i had stuff to do and also wanted to know how much i should ask my doctor to go up. thanks in advance for all the help!!!
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 19, 2015 at 5:02 pm #126697Welcome to the site.
Medication advice is difficult to give because everyone is different. There is no way to tell how you will react to one medication or dosage because you are a unique individual.
But I can tell you that suddenly doubling your dose is a very bad idea, especially without consulting your doctor first. Personally, I would not double my Vyvanse even if my doctor told me to. It’s stronger than it appears to be and its easy to overshoot and end up taking too much, which might actually be what happened to you. Sometimes when it seems like a medication isn’t working as well as it should it’s because you need less, not more. It could also be hazardous to your health, as it can increase your blood pressure and heart rate, or cause other side effects.
It sounds like you were thinking if you double your dose you will have double the energy and concentration. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way, especially when you ADHD. Your brain is wired differently and responds differently to stimulants. Simply put, overdoing it is more likely to put you to sleep than keep you going.
I can’t comment on the confidentiality issue because I don’t work for Totally ADD. But keep in mind that Vyvanse is a controlled substance, so if you run out before it’s time to refill, you’re out of luck, at least as far as getting it from your pharmacy goes. You should also keep in mind that it is a very toxic substance that is really not too good for your health at high doses over time. What you want to look for is your “therapeutic window”, the minimum dose needed to give you the benefits of the medication without any harmful affects.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 19, 2015 at 5:11 pm #126698Oh, to answer your question about how much to ask the doctor to go up, I would say 10 mg a week. Some doctors will increase by 20 mg at a time, sometimes with only a couple of days between, but from what I have read, and my personal experience, it’s better not to go up that fast. It’s something only you and your doctor can decide though.
And again, it is a controlled substance. Your doctor may be reluctant to increase your dosage, and even more so if you ask to double it. A sudden increase of 40 mg would look suspicious and could actually get him/her in trouble.