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Driving the adhd brain…

Driving the adhd brain…2011-02-15T17:41:40+00:00

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  • #89169

    Post count: 14413

    Driving the adhd brain is like driving a dragster on a public roads…its very exciting for short periods of time but not too convenient for the longhaul…+ its kinda illegal. The adhd brain on meds is more like driving a nice grand tourer (a volvo for instance)…its still fast, its comfortable and very stable but lacks a bit of the rush you get without the meds.

    Whats do you guys think about this statement?

    It just might be that the driver aint used to it?….i still love being like i should in the first place though so no regrets….i just find that i don’t get that very steep high that i used to get whenever I got stimulated big time by something.


    Post count: 430

    Nice. I like that statement, but I am not on drugs, yet. So I have no basis for comparison.

    For me it is like in that movie “The Matrix”. Bullet time. I find myself focusing on specific things and the whole world ceases to exist. The other day, a truck kicked up a rock and I could see it coming toward me. I was able to plot it’s trajectory, tap the brakes and watched it sail over the hood of the car, without striking my winshield. Time returned and everyone was trying to figure out why I had hit the brakes. Nobody saw the rock.

    Too bad I can’t do that with baseballs.


    Post count: 14413

    Someone has said to me that the focusing with the ADHD brain can be like trying to pull a truck uphill behind you using a rope. You have the rope in your teeth. Dr. Daniel Amen said that it was like driving a car but the more you focus the faster you want the car to go. When you step on the gas the car goes slower the harder you press the gas peddle. I think that explains it perfectly.

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