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Feel like the Dam is about to break!

Feel like the Dam is about to break!2014-04-28T20:12:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Feel like the Dam is about to break!

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  • #124997

    Post count: 2

    I have so much to ask I honestly have no idea where to start. In a nut shell I’m looking for help in saskatchewan I do see a Dr every few months but even now that does not see to help.  I was Diagnosed when I was still in elementary school and never got a lot of help during my school years and now I have made the choice to return to school to become a heavy duty mechanic. If I can get someone to private message me I will gladly explain more just not sure where to start.


    Post count: 2

    Well guess I can’t reply to private messages…… that sucks. Either way @dithl not sure how to reply hope you get this


    Post count: 906

    Hi @adhdarcher.

    You should be able to respond to private messages. When you open it to read it the box where you type your response should be right there underneath it.  Unless you mean that you were unable to send your response?

    I’m not really good with the technical stuff. But if it isn’t working, send in a bug report so the technical people can fix it.

    I will send you another message so that you can test it out. The site is a little glitchy sometimes and what didn’t work yesterday might work today.

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