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Fluorescent lighting

Fluorescent lighting2011-08-24T04:45:38+00:00

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  • #107674

    Post count: 53

    WOW!!!! That explains it!!!

    My whole life I could not be in a walmart or any place with florecent lights for more than 30 seconds (no exageration) 😯

    without having a complete sensory overload like I had just had 20 coffees or was being tickled like all my nerves were being stimulated at once! I could not focus at ALL my mind would be like a ping pong ball darting all over the place and I would be completely zoned out within a minute. I also get migraines and would become instantly nauseous as auras would onset. I remember so many times going into stores especially walmart with my Mom my poor Mom lol and completely shutting down as soon as we walked in…She would ask me my opinion on which rubbermaid containers would be best for stacking our stuff in storage and all I could focus on was the word Rubbermaid floating in front of my eyes like a bad acid trip or something and I would get soooooo crabby with her because I felt so nauseous I would always say something like can you just pick one already so we can get out of here??? She never takes me shopping anymore 😳

    Now I know why! Thanks! I feel alot better now! Will be sure to tell her too!


    Post count: 303

    LOL! @ Caper…you must have visited us in Kansas, recently. UGH! I’m fighting with the school now. I think the idea is to get us to distrust schools sooooo much, that we’ll all decide public school is a bad thing and home-school our kids. Then, they wouldn’t have to pay a dime for education. Cheap bastards. Oh, and our current governor is not showing that his private education was any better.


    So, while that looks like an ADD moment I just had, there is a connection to this thread. I was told that a parent would have to sue to get the lights changed to something more high quality. The school isn’t going to foot the bill if it doesn’t have to.

    Nice, right???


    Post count: 913

    beings a fair number of my friends are Canadian

    and some of my favorite music, and TV comes from there……

    And I’m a HUGE fan of Red Green.

    Recall when they found the missile on the lodge property – Harold suggested that they call the air force. Red said something about getting the US air force all worked up and Harold said, no, the Canadian Air Force. Red replied – Harold, it’s after 6, he’s gone home for the night.

    Or when the bus load of Iowans went up to see the show being taped, participated and there was an “Iowa Episode” and Dalton says he’s leaving, Red protested about leaving him up there all alone with all those Iowans and him being the lodge leader and all, he was afraid with Dalton gone they’d all pester Red and Dalton said no, those are Iowans, they ignore their leaders.

    Loved the back and forth…… the word game – the word to guess was water. Red was giving clues:

    “something you drink a lot of”


    “no, this has no flavor”

    Oh, American beer.

    We still have an education system??


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    This is really becoming an issue now that some countries (including Canada) are banning incandescent bulbs, supposedly because fluorescent bulbs are more environmentally friendly. While it’s true that they last a lot longer than incandescent bulbs, the fact that they contain mercury and are made in China, so they have to be shipped from the other side of the world, and specially recycled—renders their “environmental friendliness” claims highly suspect.

    The ban on high-wattage incandescent bulbs took effect in the UK over a year ago. The ban on 60W ones has just taken effect, and I just saw an article on the BBC News website, in which people prone to migraines and sensory sensitivities are raising their concerns and sharing their experiences of health problems caused by fluorescent bulbs.

    As for me, I find fluorescent light very stressful, because I am very aware of both the flickering and the buzzing sound. Unfortunately, my own apartment has compact fluorescent lights in the ceilings (and full-size fluorescent lights in the kitchen). As most of the compact fixtures are older, they only accept plug-in bulbs. In the ones that do take screw-in type bulbs, I was able to replace the compact fluorescent bulbs with incandescent ones. And I use incandescent bulbs in my floor and table lamps, and over the bathroom mirror.

    I especially need those incandescent bulbs over the bathroom mirror, because that’s where I apply my make-up when I’m going out to a gig. Stage lights are incandescent, so if I were to do my make-up under fluorescent light, it wouldn’t look right onstage.


    Post count: 802

    Just for fun…

    I was working in a primary school doing supply when I heard some children in a room when they were supposed to be outside playing. I peeped my head round the door to find out what they were doing and I saw 2 small children crawling round the outside of the room. One of the lights was flashing on and off. The children were saying, ‘Keep out of its way! No, not that way, it’ll zap you!’

    Someone (another child I’m pleased to say) had told them it was a laser beam that destroyed children. Poor little mites thought it was real. It was all I could do to stop myself from laughing as I explained that they were safe.


    Post count: 61

    quizzical, you are hilarious. <3

    I’m so specific about lights and noise. at my old job the boss would turn the light off in the office when it was hot (it was a store with a little office with a computer in the back) and it drove me crazy. I need there to be lots of light everywhere for me to be productive and focused. in the evening though when I’m relaxing and getting ready for bed I only have a few lights on.

    I love my apartment in every way except that it’s in a basement (so I can afford to live on my own, ha) and I only have one little window. so I have many lights on all day long. recently (a couple of months ago) I bought a bunch of full-spectrum bulbs to replace the other ones – however, in typical procrastination fashion, they are still lying unpacked somewhere in a pile on my desk. (plan is to get through it this weekend!)

    in my bathroom, the main light only works together with the fan – which is SO noisy, that I only use the little lamp or a night light in the bathroom. I should talk to my landlord about it…..

    I always allowed myself to be very specific about light and not worry about wasting it, because I know it’s good for your mood. however now, I’m constantly adjusting music volume – or asking friends to do so – or I might tell my employer that I can’t listen to jazz while working (I just can’t! it’s too damn meandering!). there seem to be different kinds of audio stimuli I require depending on the situation, and I am happy when I let myself be in tune with that.

    you guys are all so funny and great, keep it up. :)


    Post count: 14413

    I have no idea what these lights are, I just know that I don’t like the newer lights, I hate the overhead buzzy office style lights, and I really wish we could go back to those lightbulb shaped lights with higher wattage. I can’t see things properly anymore (could partly be due to aging eyes). My husband buys the bulbs in our house.

    I bought one of those blue light devices last winter from Costco and we used it first thing in the morning for a few months. I thought it was helpful.

    BTW, when a ballast-style fluorescent tube falls and lands on a laminated floor, it sounds really cool! (and makes a helluva noise) But don’t try this at home….


    Post count: 303

    @no_dopamine, I noticed that the lights at Home Depot that were supposedly full spectrum were colored blue. Do you think the blue is just a filter, like you got at costco???

    I’m thinking that maybe some blue shaded sunglasses might help. I’m trying to come up with a cheap solution for our cheap school district, which is only cheap because of our cheap state legislature…oh no, I’m getting started again…

    Anyway, this way only some of the kids would have to wear them, and the teachers could still see their eyes, which seems to be the major objection to sunglasses.


    Post count: 14413

    i wore sun glasses in class it helps sometimes


    Post count: 251

    I had no clue there was a possibility that incandescent light bulbs could be banned till last night, when I heard that Easy-Bake ovens were going to be re-made with a no-bulb heating system “in advance of an upcoming ban on incandescent bulbs.”

    I went crazy! I mean, super-crazy! I actually flipped the bird at my TV screen – and I’ve never flipped the bird at anything or anyone in my LIFE. “F— them! F— THEM!!! THEY CAN’T DO THAT!!! They can’t take away my bulbs!!!” I pointed to the foyer lamp, blazing away in all its stark blue harshness. “Every single day, I want to TAKE A GUN AND SHOOT THAT THING! It drives me CRAZY! THEY CAN’T DO THAT!”

    On and on, while my bemused husband just looked at me, his usually liberal, ordinarily polite and emotionally reserved wife having a big-government-cow-and-rant during what had been a peaceful evening reclining in the family room.

    Evidently, there isn’t specifically a ban on the incandescent bulbs, just a requirement to make them 25% more energy-efficient. But I guess a lot of folks are thinking the end result will be a phase-out of incandescents.



    Post count: 303

    Yup. They can do that. They did it to toilets back in the late 80’s or early 90’s. It’s why you can’t get a 10 gallon toilet tank, anymore. Our house is older and still has it’s older tanks. They’ll have to pry my toilet from my cold, dead, buttocks. LOL!!!

    What didn’t make sense was back when they first introduced the ban on tanks, they replaced them with 5 gallon tanks that you had to flush multiple times to get anything down. Hmmm….one flush of 10 gallons to 3 flushes of 5 gallons. Yeah, it’s been a while since second grade, but I think 15 is still greater than 10.

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