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Food sensitivity and ADHD

Food sensitivity and ADHD2014-03-11T00:50:00+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Food sensitivity and ADHD

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  • #124459

    Post count: 8

    I need some links/titles from REPUTABLE sources on this topic. My food sensitivities are going crazy. I am willing to deal with it if it helps my overall brain health. However NOT going to give up every last kind of food – I want to narrow down the usual suspects.


    Post count: 906

    Hmm… I don’t really know much about this.  I haven’t even really thought about the possibility that I might have food sensitivities that affect my ADHD symptoms.

    Maybe if you can post some specific examples of the sensitivities you have? I am sure a lot of others have had similar experiences and would ave some suggestions for you. Also, others may benefit from reading about your experiences. Sometimes the most reputable sources are the people who have first hand experience.

    As for links/titles, I can’t provide any, but I am sure there is someone around here who can.


    Post count: 8

    To me a reputable source is not always those who think there is a connection. Anecdotal evidence is often an oxymoron. Experience can be a place to start but for it to be applied more universally more steps have to take place. After I posted in here I did some research online. Daniel Amen and the celiacs people have the best information. Amen has been studying dietary cause and effect for many years in his ADHD/brain differences practice. The usual suspects are gluten, dairy, eggs and processed sugar. As my rheumatologist recommended, an elimination diet is the best way to figure this out. I would really like an expert to weigh in on this – why I posted it in this section.


    Post count: 906

    Good luck with that. 🙂

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