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Forgetting to breathe

Forgetting to breathe2011-08-27T22:08:43+00:00

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    Post count: 913

    Tiddler – YES, and even in PUBLIC!

    I guess I”m not alone there, eh?

    I went through the process with a neuro-psychologist. 4 hours worth of interview and testing.

    Then last Friday, the follow-up.

    WOW, did I learn a lot about myself!

    I’m not only AHDH, I’m VERY ADHD. Near the top of his tests and chart.

    Remember, medication isn’t a magic pill that cures or even improves ALL aspects of ADD/ADHD. It works differently on different people.

    On Joe it might help symptoms a, c, d and g, and on Jane, it helps a, d, f and h.

    Go get a formal diagnosis – too many things out there mimic ADHD! (and some require totally different treatments)

    The neuro-psychologist showed me a whole list of things that have either the same or very similar symptoms.

    The truly good ones will rule out all the other stuff first – THEN will move to a diagnosis.


    Post count: 13

    @ Billd

    How did you find your neuro-psychologist?


    Post count: 28

    Forget to breathe? Stop breathing? LOL. I did not realize how OFTEN I do that while reading a book or watching TV–at least until I was hospitalized in the ICU over my Crohn’s and bleeding. They kept me in the ICU as precautionary measure. Had to have me hooked up to the heart and breathing monitor at ALL times. I set off the breathing alarms about every 5 or 10 minutes. I had to concentrate hard to breathe without setting off the alarms. After about 6 hours of false alarms every 10 minutes, they got the doctor to remove the breathing alarm. They were not worried and did not run into my room because the heart trace was perfectly fine.


    Post count: 2

    Grainy and all the fellow ‘no breathers’, ‘no blinkers’, ‘no pee-ers’, etc: Yes, I do forget to breathe (since my youth) constantly, and to blink when working in the computer, and to drink water to the point I’m almost dehydrated, and to take my breaks at work for eating or going to the washroom. My coworkers used to shake me to remind me that I had to stop doing whatever I was doing and go take my break. I also forget to go to sleep, and continue dragging myself around out of fatigue. I always wondered if it was ‘normal’ making such an effort to practice such basic things….

    Tiddler, since my childhood I also had that same bizarre feeling that I didn’t deserve as much oxigen as the rest. Alice, I also reheat my hot drinks about 10 times before I’m done with them, because I get distracted. Philabuster, sorry about your ailments. I hope you are feeling better. Beebster, I’m also looking for an ADD professional.

    This is also my first forum ever and I’m very pleased at how much fun and comforting this conversation can be. Thanks to Rick, Patrick, Ava and Dr. J. for this great idea !!! This website is worth GOLD.

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