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generics V's brands?

generics V's brands?2010-10-03T21:43:01+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication generics V's brands?

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  • #88557

    Post count: 13

    Hi fellow geniuses

    I had the official diagnosis of combined type a couple of months ago. My Doc and I have been trialing stimulants since then. Firstly methylphenidate and then dexedrine. The methylphenidate (generic) seems to be in and out of my system in no time, yet when it kicks in the focus and clarity and calm is amazingly helpful. Does anyone know if the generics work as well as the brands? I’m guessing if the trial works out then we might discuss extended release.

    The Dex seems to stay in my system a bit longer and gives me ‘action orientated’ focus. Great too for a while, but I seem to crash harder as it leaves my system, which does not happen with the Methylphenidate.

    Thanks for reading!


    Post count: 14413

    Check out Rick’s Rants on generics. Very informative and accurate.

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