I was talking with a close friend at work the other day about how things are going, my ongoing diagnostic process, and the new meds I’m on (Strattera), and mentioned that I was having an easier time at work, getting more done, etc.
My friend, who is legally (but not completely) blind due to Retinitis Pigmentosa, said,,, “Well, when you don’t have five different things in your mind at once, it’s a lot easier to get things done.”
Wow! I was overwhelmed with gratitude at the realization that, despite his having no personal experience with the disorder aside from our friendship, he COMPLETELY UNDERSTOOD!
When I expressed this feeling, his response was, “Well, I have my own disability; I’ve had to learn how to work with it myself, so I guess it’s just easier for me to put myself into someone else’s shoes and understand what it’s like for them.”