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Holy Basil, Natural ADHD Remedy, Need Help

Holy Basil, Natural ADHD Remedy, Need Help2016-05-16T12:16:26+00:00

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    Greetings Everyone,
    I am new to this forum however i am not new to ADHD. I have been living with ADHD all my life undiagnosed and untreated. Mostly because my immigrant parents never believed in such thing, and also partly because i refused to admit it. As adulthood hit me, i knew there were underlying issues that i needed to address if i was going to be successful in this world. Instead of seeing a doctor, i began to treat myself via herbal and supplement remedies.

    Long story short, I have finally found a solution to my issues. 8 years later after countless negative effects from trial and error i have found the solution called Holy Basil. Specifically Source Naturals Holy Basil Lot # FG-6XXXX. The reason i am so specific is because i have been using this product for about a year. Ironically, as soon as you finally find a solution, the company decides to change the formula.

    I am coming to this forum because i need your help. I have contacted numerous Chemical Analysis companies to help me find the stimulating factor inside of this specific lot. This lot makes you feel Alert, Smart, Calm, Keen, Acute, Personable, and gives you GREAT listening skills. I encourage anyone to visit their local vitaminshoppe and if you find lot FG-6XXXX give it a try (Label at the Bottom of the Bottle). You can also visit http://www.sourcenaturals.com/buy/ and enter holy basil and your zip code to find the product near you.

    I have contacted Source Naturals, and they are unaware of any changes in their FG-7XXXX lot. I believe that Source Naturals stumbled upon an ADHD solution that they are unaware of. Avomeen has quoted me $26,000 as quote for this chemical analysis. They will get to the bottom of this, and find the active ingredients. I am currently working on getting a better rate with a different company and/or discount with Avomeen. I will be selling these companies on the idea that this is breakthrough research, and that they can benefit monetarily by reselling this research to another company. We can all finally have a natural ADHD solution.

    If anyone in this forum has contacts or the resources to get this project done, please let me know. If anyone tries Source Naturals Holy Basil Lot # FG-6XXXX, please let me know as well as i can direct you on how to use it.

    Best Regards All and Much Love,


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