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How to survive the learning curve of a new diagnosis. . .

How to survive the learning curve of a new diagnosis. . .2011-04-28T04:19:26+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Struggling How to survive the learning curve of a new diagnosis. . .

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  • #89512

    Post count: 14413

    I am struggling with feeling like I have four never ending term papers (atleast with the papers in univeristy – they had a due date, I worked like hell – even all night, got them done and in – and then I knew I was done). I was newly diagnosed 7 weeks ago with ADD – and I am struggling to try to figure out a systematic approach to re-organizing my mind and life while learning about it (Term Paper 1). . .

    Term paper 2 – trying to figure out how to re-jig my work in light of my ADD diagnosis and dig myself out from a mountain of emails, unfinished projects and frustrated staff (who I manage). . . I am a middle manager in a health care setting.

    Term paper 3 – my 8 year old ADHD son. . . who I love to bits . . . but trying to support him in the evenings to get through the un-fun part of parenting (supper, homework, bed and bath) while his meds are wearing off at the same time as mine is an exercise in frustration.

    Term paper 4 – trying to figure out a way to support and present my son’s ADHD to family court so I can get a custody arrangement that will best support him (his dad also has ADHD – but is in denial. . . and my son’s social an school performance falls after three nights in a row with Dad). After consult with my laywer – I come out with a list of things that “I” need to do. . .

    I do not feel like I can take a deep breath. I know there is no magic wand. . . and I feel a great deal of relief with my ADD diagnosis and starting the meds. . . except now I can see that there is just soooooooooo much that needs to be done and I do not know where to start. . . .

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