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Hyperfocus vs. hypomania

Hyperfocus vs. hypomania2011-01-21T21:04:33+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Hyperfocus vs. hypomania

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  • #89023

    Post count: 14413

    This topic came up within another thread and I thought it could really use it’s own post!

    When diagnosing people, how do you distinguish between hyperfocus and hypomania?

    I’m in a mood disorders program for anxiety & depression at our local “mental hospital”, and have so far found that ADHD doesn’t even seem to be on the radar here. The assessment team thought my organizing outbursts were sub-clinical OCD, and a consulting psychiatrist disagreed and suspected that they’re hypomania. My own psychiatrist hasn’t said anything at all because she doesn’t really talk, just writes prescriptions. I haven’t seen nor heard anything about ADHD in my 8 months doing outpatient stuff there. It makes me wonder if they don’t think of it as an actual thing.

    I wonder how many people with ADHD get diagnosed as bipolar when they aren’t actually bipolar. Of course it’s possible to have both at the same time though. But how do doctors distinguish between ADHD and hypomania?


    Post count: 14413

    I have been diagnosed with both bi-polar disorder and ADHD I can tell you with certainty that in a hypomanic condition you feel “high” like you are on drugs when you are “hyperfocused” you just lose track of time… you might feel energetic but you are oblivious to everything except what your attention is on. I hope this thread helps you defrenciate between the two.



    Post count: 14413

    yes, thank you, that’s a really helpful description!

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