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I AM MAD AT TOTALLYADD !2011-01-21T13:23:29+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community I AM MAD AT TOTALLYADD !

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    Post count: 14413

    Ok now i am gonna let you have it “TotallyADD” where were you 5 years ago! If you had been around then I could only imagine where i would be today! This sight I feel (and apparently others from the posts) is hitting the mark of those with ADD/ADHD. I do have some questions for the Dr’s and others if I may ? ….Why now? Just because I am a human being with ADHD !

    I find it very funny that this site originated in Canada…… I have just started to notice in the grand ole USA that there are more DR’s (And there corporations-facilities-groups) are just starting to get on board with the ADD craze! Is it because of the recent breakthroughs in the science of it or is it the almighty dollar and the recent laws that have come into play that we here in the states are becoming aware of this Syndrome/Disease? Kinda like PTSD and the military! Did the Drug companies miss the internet boom in educating the public and lawmakers regarding ADD/ADHD or was this part of a grander scheme? Funny in NJ HOME OF THE BIG PHARMAS I cannot believe they allowed you guys to create such a great site.

    Yeh I get it they “provided” you with some funds to get this project completed but the rewards from having this site in terms of dollars and cents or (sense) seems like it could have been a home run for them here in the land of people who like to use medications (THE US). With the age and access of the Internet I hope Big pharmas and all Medical professionals attack the issues, challenges and success with the treatments that are afforded by the use of the Holistic approach to conquer ADD/ADHD. It is a shame the political climate is going to surpress (maybe not I hope) the leaps and bounds of forward moving progress that has transpired over the recent years.

    I hope the “Pharmas” have enough political clout and lobbiests (IKES I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST TYPED THIS) to pursuade the lawmakers to NOT cut government funding for mental health as there are definately much more benefits to our society as a whole. Yes I know there are complexities and yes GULP greed! (ON Both Sides) Having many friends and associates (Admins, Doctors, Lawyers, Caregivers and even Educators) in the health care arena Mental health is BIG MONEY. Jobs are created at many different levels when dealling with MH issues. (Researchers, Docs, Therapists, Pharmacies and even politically created jobs for advocates at the local level to help co ordinate these programs) …… Maybe that is the problem here in the USA everyone whether they should or not wants a piece of the dollar instead of really looking out for the patient in need………..

    Wow !! SADLY I just answered some of my own questions during this rant ………. OK well I hope you leave this post up and even have the %^^&* (gumption that is lol) to answer some of my questions and hopefully allow more of the persons visiting this sight that might vote the opportunity to get a more diverse look at mental health care issues ahead… Imagine how many prisons could hold real criminals instead of those that are just turn key, short term, band aids that are cost drainning persons in need of quality mental health assistance. Especially in the state of NJ.

    It is unfortunate that it appears at least for the now that we are going thru a huge transformation in health care in the USA. I hope as a society we can some how come to a realistic solution that not only the elite and privilaged should get quality mental health care as in the long term for the entire human race in all countries. I believe we will all benefit without the real costs that socialism and anarchy has in historied past derailled in opportunity for betterment of many that are right in front of us as opossed the select few !


    Post count: 546

    I as a canadian find it insulting, that you would think that just because progress is being made by doctors in canada that it does not have the same creditability than if this was started in the usa. if this is what I am reading shame on you . just because this is done , maybe not as loud as in the us does not take away from its worth. having said that just because we have one of the best heathcare plans in the world could it be better? yes, my point is that just because they are not just standing and yelling look at me , and people getting tyied of hearing that. all I am saying is that when you do something for some one else at least make sure that some one is being helped. we have some of the greatest and smartest people in heathcare in canada, so it doent suprise me that the one getting or needing treatment would come first. I am 48 and everyone could say where were you x number of years ago, well the anser probably would be we were working on it. so in closing as a good and proud canadian i would say to dr J and all the rest of the doc that have made such a great inpact on my life all I will say is THANK-YOU and keep up the great work me and my family are counting on you. and you know what if you are moving forward on this keep up the good work , and I don’t care where you live we will take the help.


    Post count: 14413


    THANK YOU !!!!!

    Seriously……. I kinda meant to poke at the health care of US not Canada….. As an american we are trained to believe that our health care is the best and greatest and second to none. I have to wonder if that is true. It might be for the privilaged here in america but millions are in health care crisis and it is gonna get worse(that is why they inform us via the media when a foriegn dignitary comes here to get there tonsils out from a third world country to make us feel good when we get a bandaid “overpriced” if we walk in to hospital with a gash on our head unless u have premium health care oh then you get stitches and a plastic surgeon) . I am GLAD the information from totallyadd is here no doubt about so AGAIN THANK YOU CANADIANS and totallyadd from the bottom of my soul! We are going through some health care reform here in the US and let me tell you from what has gone on in the last 5 years here it is scarey……….. Yes Yes i know it is complex but unfortunately haveing been married to someone on the inside of healthcare (RN) and having many friends and clients higher up the food chain and knowing them on a little bit of a personal level GREED is a big part of it and unless we get a reel handle on it we are going to be in big trouble here in the USA. So again i apologize for the miscomunication and am thankfull for Totallyadd and all the canadians and others here on this site


    Post count: 14413

    “As an american we are trained to believe that our health care is the best and greatest and second to none.”

    I disagree. The term should be “brainwarshed,” not “trained.”

    It never ceases to amaze me that the people who scream the loudest about the changes being made to our health care come only from THOSE THAT ALREADY HAVE HEALTH CARE! I’m sure they wouldn’t scream so loudly if they were of those that can’t afford any at all.


    Post count: 14413

    I agree MrXxx,

    Truthfully, the American healthcare system leaves alot to be desired. Here the dollar is worshipped to the degree that the value of human life is measured by your “net worth” i.e. your ability to pay.



    Post count: 14413

    I wish I did not know now what I know about healthcare or I should say I wish I knew what I know now about ADHD 30 years ago… Let’s face it, there have been many strides in health care. Look just at ADHD and what is/has been discovered about it. Look what is being learned about the brain and human body………fascinating ! if you step back and look at it. I believe my kids today will be better off than I as long as there are the opportunities for them to be able to maintain the holistic approach needed for them to maintain there health.

    The reality is it costs money for these discoveries. Or maybe it costs POWER (greed, control and etc) Maybe the Powers that are in control do not know how to handle the power they have. The advancements of medicines, computers and many more things are incredible. Scary thought… What if everyone was healthy… Where would all the healthcare workers find jobs………. what power brokers would loose there power and what other ones would gain it. What shift in our society would have to take place…. WOWWW Truth look at manufacturing … Used to have 5000 workers at a plant…… to produce cars! now they produce a car with 100 robots and 200 workers……. oh and the workers that built those robots …. they did such a good job that once the project was done they now do not have a job….. and the 5000 employees at the plant that used to support many other workers and places of business lets say 3000 more. Today the robots only support maybe 100 technicians nothing else……… Heck no matter how we feel the cars are GREAT they are building!

    Truth is even health care is being performed with more efficiency with the use of computer technology etc…..Most of the workers are becoming technicians. The computers and monitors can diagnose patients even perform surgery. We are just going to need a body to plug them into us and we will feel better quickly as opposed to later. We thought we were going to need x number of new health care workers to care for the elderly…. I think we are going to need more Techs……

    MY POINT….. In the USA we are maybe brainwashed. I hope the powers that be understand that we are starting to run out of people to suppress so the ones that are in power can flourish in greed…….. Look at history from the Romans and before to Stalin and after…..

    I do not know the answers here…. High unemployment….. even higher than we are told as those after there unemployment runs out they no longer count…… HOW stupid is that! Colleges and Technical schools are popping out extremely well educated students….. but where do they go…… What opportunities are there for them………. Do we stop educating people? Some in Power think we should as they need more laborers not competing smart people. Some in Power I believe even think we should reduce healthcare as the elders are not productive in there eyes………. These are questions that will be answered and maybe unfortunately the ones in Power today will be making the decisions on them to fulfill there own GREED… Imagine if we did not have computers or this web site…. How would we communicate and share ideas and thoughts.Who would benefit on lack of knowledge and sharing?. The thoughts of an ADHDer are really not bad in fact maybe we are very insightful and unfortunately intimidating to people of power because of the way our brain works. Funny I wonder and I can only wonder what my life would be today if I had only the treatments and knowledge today that is afforded to those with ADHD I hope you all out there with ADHD take advantage of what is available and produce a better world and …………………………….. website content for TotallyADD.com…….LOL

    For the record I love the USA and Canada


    Post count: 14413

    @ njadd:

    IMHO, there is a big difference between “health care” and health knowledge. Yes, we KNOW a lot more than we used to, and for those who HAVE health care, it’s much better than it was decades ago.

    The problem is that there are too many people in the U.S. who DO NOT have any health care at all. For them, the health care system is not just broken, IT’S NON EXISTENT.

    And that doesn’t even take into account those who are UNDERinsured.

    The problem with the U.S. health care system is that until now health care has been treated as if it were a privilege, and not a basic human right. What really burns me about that attitude is that it flies in the face of basic Christian principles, upon which this country was founded, and that many who insist health care is a privilege claim to be Christians themselves.

    When someone who claims to be Christian, but also claims that the only reason those who don’t have health care don’t have it because they are just too lazy to work hard enough to pay for it themselves, as far as I’m concerned the two claims are contradictory and reveal hypocrisy.

    Nearly 46 MILLION Americans have no health insurance! 46 MILLION!!!!!!!!!

    That’s not just shameful, it’s disgusting.

    There are those who claim that just because they don’t have health insurance that doesn’t mean they don’t have access, because there are laws in effect that force hospitals to treat anyone who walks into an ER.

    That is the LAMEST argument I have ever heard. When a patient doesn’t have the means to pay their bill, it doesn’t matter if they walk into an ER! They are NOT going to get the level of care someone with coverage will get. Period! The moment the hospital learns a patient has no insurance, or the means to pay the bill, they immediately begin the process of figuring out the MINIMUM treatment allowed by law, with the end goal of kicking the patient to the curb as soon as possible.

    Access to emergency services does NOT mean access to a reasonable level of health care. Not even close.

    You are absolutely correct njadd. The “powers that be” are corrupt, and driven by nothing BUT profit and greed. The problem is they don’t see it that way, because they have gotten so used to their privileged lives, they think it’s NORMAL! Too many people in this country don’t have a clue what is truly necessary for living anymore. Too many who are in reality VERY RICH in comparison to the vast majority in this world, think that they are not, and instead see their lot as “modest.”

    This is historical fact. Those who have think those who do not are lazy, and undeserving. Those who do not have, NEED that which only those who have can afford. Those who have, when asked to share what they have with those who do not, complain that it will cost them. That conflict has been there as long as history has been written. Not much has changed.

    Those who have, got what they have by using something they call “leverage.” Leverage is nothing but a code word for “other people’s money, and other people’s efforts.” I’ve read the books they read. I know the truth. I refuse to blind myself with the twisted logic they use to allow themselves the freedom to act as hypocrites.

    I almost bought into their thinking myself. The lifting of the veil began with one simple statement made by a very famous success mentor, whom I will not name.

    “The best customers are ADDICTS!”

    If that doesn’t reveal something truly wrong with the mentality behind the insanely rich, I don’t know what ever will.

    With that one tremendously crass statement, my eyes began to open, and I began to see more and more of the twisted logic the richest people in the world use to fool themselves into thinking what they do is okay, just and right.

    It’s easy to fall for if you aren’t careful. I nearly did.


    Post count: 14413


    Interesting post. Unfortunately I agree with many aspects of it……… I love the “addicts” reference… I am not a true practicing catholic by any stretch. Not really sure even what this is as we have all heard the scandals involving the Vatican and etc. No not just picking on the Vatican as I have had very close and personal relationships with a valued member of a church that is anything but what they represent.

    Greed is a big part of our society and yes I fell for that blissful desire. The fact is when is enough truly enough,,,, I am not sure but the reality is Healthcare is Gov’t controlled and we see what the politicians are about. (maybe not all but enough). Sad part is I was a little on the inside of the healthcare world here in NJ and let me tell you much fixing is needed but it is a long way off as the politicians are scrambling because they need to figure out how they best can get a piece of the pie (directly and or indirectly). Has anyone looked at the boards of directors and character of the Boards of directors of these institutions?

    The big problem here in NJ we are broke and the changes needed are going to be painful regarding health care. The bigger problem is that all the entitlements that were given out are finally catching up to those promised to and we cannot honor (the politicians that is) those commitments now the poor schlubs are supposed too. The “powers” that be are going to have to figure out whom is going to be still privileged and whom is not…. And they have to be careful not to step on too many toes…….

    Healthcare, retirement entitlements UGH why is the government jobs paying salaries greater than the private sector can YIKES. No I am not republican or democrat but I am an american and have paid taxes and pay taxes every time we spend a dollar at the store. Have we looked at all the privileges in the new tax codes. Even the IRS inspector general says we are way over our heads regarding tax laws……. Are they gonna change anytime soon? probably not as the Powers that be will never allow that to happen on there watch. We have no one to blame but ourselves though so I am pointing the finger at myself as I have done nothing to try to change it except for voting for the least worst politician as opposed to the best one……..


    Post count: 913

    Plenty of blame to go around. I used to work in the insurance industry (yeah, as IT, but I sure kept my eyes open and learned a lot!)

    Yes, there’s all sorts of reasons to blame the big bad insurance companies, the bigger, badder government, etc. but what about the fools who eat themselves into 300 pounds plus then demand free drugs, and treatment? The smokers who have been warned for many many years, and STILL they smoke a pack a day + then want care for something they did to themselves.

    A friend of mine saved himself thousands a year, and more for his insurance company by getting his weight and diet under control. He no longer needs insulin. All because he started eating better. What about the 25 year old who weighs in at 250 pounds, almost 40% body fat, then complains that it’s someone else’s fault?

    Where is personal responsibility?

    Text while driving, get your car wrecked, and it’s someone else’s fault. Drink, drive, get into an accident, it’s someone else’s fault – even when your liver dies from the drugs and alcohol. No one shoved that food/drink/drug/cigarette into your body. I don’t mind helping someone who helps themselves, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to take care of someone who self-destructed on smokes and overeating when there is free help all over the place, even cheap help that’s cheaper than medical care!

    If you lose your job through no fault of your own, get sick even though you try to stay healthy, trust me, I’ll be more than willing to help. My wife and I are among the biggest donors to the local food bank that there is because we know that sometimes bad things happen no matter how hard you try. We do give until it hurts. It’s just right, IMO. But to see someone complaining about losing this or that or can’t afford this or that, but sure have their weekly allotment of beer, cigarettes, and chocolate donuts, and a new gas grill on the driveway, I have a problem with that.

    You, me, everyone here, including insurance companies are in business for profit. And when we have to cover those who self-destruct on food/drink/drug, you name it, it costs! It costs us ALL.

    How about my brother who was a respiratory therapist and had to pay $100,000 grand a year for malpractice insurance? Not even a DOCTOR, and because of greedy lawyers, greedy people, and stupid juries (hot coffee WILL be hot, you moron!) it hurts us all. He’s out of that now, could hardly afford to stay in it, it wasn’t worth it. And he lives in a modest home roughly 1400 sq.ft, about $150,000, small lot and drives a used Dakota.

    Yes, I’ve been unemployed – last time was for 22 months, and that’s before all the extensions on benefits.

    Yes, I farmed for 7 years, had no retirement plan, no paid insurance. So yes, I’ve seen both sides.

    I believe it’s a whole lot more complex than anyone is allowing themselves to think. Everyone is at fault. Not just “those big bad xxxxxxx”

    Comment on government jobs – nope, not always. I make MUCH LESS now doing what I do than when I was in the private sector! I went down about 15K a year moving into government. So stop the freaking stereotyping, please! Not all government employees are overpaid!

    I agree there are some that are – but please *blame the unions*. Not the poor employee who needs a job, and like you or me, will take all they can get if it’s given. And frankly, a bit more pay would be nice to offset the constant, and I mean constant threat of layoffs.

    Then there’s the “you get what you pay for” adage, too.. Want crap help in the government, then cut wages. Then it will be equal to the fast-food server you love so much.

    Oh, some of us are also tired of paying free this and that for those who can’t even read or follow the laws of the land. Yeah, you know what I refer to, and it’s costing all of us millions – billions. Studies show that in this state alone, our budget could be balanced but for the freebies we give to those who break the law, the complain they aren’t being taken care of.

    Yup – many many reasons the system is broke, and it’s amazing how it’s become much more broke lately……….. wonder why.


    Post count: 206

    Well, I am sorry that American Politicians have long neglected this very visible problem. Especially with Micheal Moore screaming about the problem but things aren’t much better in the land of free health care. Here in Alberta the average wait time in an ER is 24 to 36 hours to even find a bed for a minor complaint such as a broken arm. When there is a critical shortage of family physicians and our premier health care providers are being lured to the US because of the money to be made there treating patients. A family physician is paid 37 dollars per patient. So you are seeing 12 or 13 patients an hour and they basically get one complaint per person. No real time to diagnose just get them in and out. They are now training nurses to do the initial diagnoses and just have the doctor writing the script. A doctor here gets to pick among the thousands of people who line up to get a family doctor and he chooses young healthy individuals he probably won’t see for years. And they want to embrace more public health like the US and allow doctors to opt out so that they can treat private patients with cash or a good health plan for mega dollars. There is a club in another city in this province that charges a fee monthly so that you have access to their health care professionals and you can jump the line if you need major health care treatment. Envelopes of cash are being given to surgeons so that you can move up in line instead of waiting your turn. There are few resources in Alberta for mental health issues and we are one of the richest provinces in Canada but it is not a priority and their are lots of stigmas.


    Post count: 14413

    Don’t get me wrong! I am not a proponent of the “All rich people are evil” mentality at all, though it may look that way from reading my post, admittedly.

    I’m not one who believes that money is evil, nor am I convinced that anyone who has a lot of it is evil.

    But there is a mentality out there. An evil one, that has corrupted many otherwise altruistic people by seductively blinding them to the realities of the consequences of their actions. I believe it is that mentality that drives the U.S. health care system today.

    Are there doctors out there who do what they do purely out of the desire to serve their fellow man? I believe there are a lot of them. Unfortunately, I don’t believe there are enough of them anymore, as there used to be. Money, and the prospect of making a better life for oneself has become far more of a motivation to get into medicine than ever before. And that, I believe, has corrupted the entire system as a whole.

    Gone are the days of a doctor riding his horse for miles to treat an ailing patient in exchange for a chicken for his supper pot.

    To be fair, I say a lot of what I say, whilst looking around at my own seemingly humble abode, and feel a twinge of shame and guilt.

    How many times have I warned my own kids that they should get used to eating foods they don’t like because one never knows if one won’t have a choice but to eat that which one would not choose if one had a choice? To my kids, that means possibly having to eat pork instead of hot dogs, and the thought of them not having the choices they currently have gives rise to pangs of horror in many parents.

    Yet all the while, somewhere in the world, every day, millions go to bed crying because they don’t even have a bowl of RICE.

    And we worry about hot dogs?!

    To be fair, while we complain about those better off than us not caring about our plight, there is someone, somewhere complaining the same thing about US.

    Food for thought. And not very appetizing at that.


    Post count: 14413

    Great reply BILLD,

    I Did not put in my post “not all” in the rant about government workers. So i apologize to YOU! If you are a Gov’t employee and receive just compensation for your duties Awesome…… Unfortunately, I feel that unions sometimes level the playing field but then again why is union membership way down. I think they overpriced themselves out of the new world economy…… Supply and demand and the Global market place maybe?……. I cannot afford a product made in USA because I can get 2 made in Korea and get change. I am my worst enemy…. Do i want kids in sweat shops,,,, Nope! Why is the Gov’t not showing the places and the conditions these poor people work and live in from third world countries? BECAUSE WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE IT! Why are the unions not showing all Americans what is going on in other countries! Lets look at the union retirement funds portfolios and follow the corporate greed of the companies in those portfolios…..Oh Yeah! we can say things have never been better for the third world country laborers but would you work under those conditions….. I think not!

    I do not know the numbers but seeing the information that is available regarding salaries of public employees and reading about there benefits packages through OPRA ( I think that it is what it is called) The politicians we elected are out of touch and WE ALL ARE PAYING DOUBLE for it now (but then again if we look hard I have to wonder if we are all paying for it equally)……… Look at history … Are we ever gonna learn……Again look at history…..Doubt it…… HMMM what about unions in hospitals…….. I see these medi health centers opening up right next door to hospitals and can charge less (to insurance companies) cause they do not have to take charity care cases… HMMMM should we give huge tax/education benefits to these same doctorsthat own them if after they graduate from med school get experience at the Community medical centers(Hospitals) and then are given education loan discounts and forgivenesses and are afforded other tax loophole and benefits at the expense of taxpayers because they are a health care provider. But again health care is becoming governmental so are they not public servants as they are given privileged tax benefits as apposed to another person in a different position or career field that is not Public service related….. AGAIN I do not have answers but as we all become more educated the sludge is starting to rise to the top of the boiling pot………


    Post count: 109

    njadd –

    not going to touch the healthcare debate but here’s the thing – the book Driven to Distraction was first published in 1995 – so don’t blame this website that you never read it – it was on the New York Times bestseller list for a really long time

    and while we may have universal health care here, that doesn’t mean we can all find a doctor who knows his a$$ from his elbow when it comes to ADHD in adults!

    I hope you’re able to get all the support you need


    Post count: 14413

    “and while we may have universal health care here, that doesn’t mean we can all find a doctor who knows his a$$ from his elbow when it comes to ADHD in adults!”

    Good point. There are those though, who don’t even have the option to search for a doctor who doesn’t know his ass from his elbow. Not that finding one like that would do much good anyway, I know.

    It’s a complicated system no matter how you cut it, and though it is easy to write a rant, as I did above, the solutions are far more complicated than a simple rant may seem to be saying they are.

    That was not my intention at all. I’m fully aware it’s not so simple. But every now and again, it does feel somewhat good to just vent a bit. ;-)

    I think we all know who the people are I meant in the above post. Not by name perhaps, but by character type. They are out there, and cause more damage percentage-wise than the percentage of the population they comprise. Most human beings mean well, and try their best to be contributors rather than blood suckers. It’s just too bad the blood suckers that are out there are capable of causing enough damage to harm so huge a number of people.

    Thanks to people like that, we have the economy we have right now.

    Them, and a lot of others who were duped to attempt following in their footsteps. I was almost one of them. That’s what I was referring to in the final line of my first post. Unfortunately, most of those who were duped, are now paying a very heavy price for it.


    Post count: 913

    HA – looks like I let off another ADD rant but honestly, that’s my gut feeling. This side takes aim at those folks, that side takes aim that this side, and in fact, everyone is right, everyone is wrong. The emotions and prejudices and politics must leave the equation in order to get things fixed. And frankly, it took many years to get this way, one law, 1 year won’t change a thing, but perhaps make things worse as that’s usually what political quick fixes do.

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