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I expected better from them

I expected better from them2012-01-04T19:11:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey I'm Angry I expected better from them

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    Post count: 14413

    You know, I’m well accustomed to getting disrespect when it comes to adhd from conservatives that believes that you should just be a man and pull yourself up. As bad as that is though I get angrier with those who purport to be on the left who say that adhd doesn’t exist. I like thom hartman but i did not buy his book when he said that adhd is not a disorder. i hate those people. i actually had an accupunturist tell me that it doesn’t exist that kids just have to stop eating sugar. i would have dropped her on her ass right there but i had and still deal with a herniated disc that was really bothering me at the time. eventually i did leave her. Anyway, you get my point there are lots of liberals that cry out against the drug companies for bad pills to make more money. look i get it the drug companies are getting away with murder. it’s true. but please let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater. lets not include anxiety and adhd both of which i deal with in the mix of invented diseases as cash cows for big pharma. i know there is a backlash coming up against big pharma and they deserve a lot of it but please lets not abandon people who do need help who do need medication to function in life. when i hear some supposed leftists talk about it they sound like the right wing. yes there are techniques and therapy and mechanisms that can help but many of us need medication. they would never say that about alzeimers or diabetes or aids but even among the so called left there is still a prejudice against mental health issues and i thought they would be better than that. Miguel


    Post count: 363

    I’ve had similar reactions – my mother’s second husband, who has a PhD in molecular biology, is one of those people who doesn’t believe ADHD exists and was just invented by the drug companies to trick parents into buying expensive prescriptions. I read an entire book by a psychologist who dismisses problems like ADHD and clinical depression as symptomatic of political problems – while I see his point about living in an isolating and frenetic culture, that is not the entire picture.

    What I’ve done is tried to inform myself as much as possible. Talking to other people who face the same issues helps even more than learning about the brain stuff. Hearing a room full of people with the same “symptoms,” similar experiences, similar challenges and preferred ways of doing things, I know ADHD is a real condition. And because I know it, I can deal with it for myself, without having to convince anyone else.


    Post count: 845

    I suppose the problem with ADHD being recognized as a bona fide medical condition in adults is that it emulates laziness, stupidity, and moral failings. Meds such as Adderall will “cure” these failings only if ADHD is present. If ADHD is not present then you just end up with a lazy, stupid, morally bankrupt loser on speed.

    (I started writing this several hours ago and got distracted and forgot the question. So if the above three sentences are not relevant, just ignore this post. lol)


    Post count: 913

    LOL – well said, kc5jck.

    I saw a video put up by an ordinary ADHD person who explained how that the correct meds helped (often, keep in mind, not all ADHD bodies react to meds nor all all symptoms helped in all people) and if you didn’t have ADHD, it could actually make the symptoms worse, but in any case, meds didn’t “cure” or even help at all if there was no ADHD. Like you said – you just had a lazy stupid…. etc person on speed. HA.

    >>I know ADHD is a real condition. And because I know it, I can deal with it for myself, without having to convince anyone else.


    I know it’s real, too – all too well…….. just ask about my youngest son, my mother, her father………. and this existed and was defined even BEFORE the big bad evil drug companies existed. (get real, even drug companies are just groups of people attmepting to make money by selling stuff – it’s a shoe salesman the same thing, only smaller? And if the stocks don’t do well – don’t the stock holders hang the board and director and get new ones who will make stock values higher? Get real – do you want your IRA, 401K, etc to do poorly and maybe make only 1% while your other investments do 5% or better – and you’ll get angry at the fellow running the company making only 1% on their stocks? OK, then – let’s get real as far as who is doing what, and WHEN this actually began.)

    I also dislike the “right” or “left” – when it comes to ADHD, politics don’t matter, they can all be jerks, and they can all be helpful.

    Guess what – I work in an IT department where almost ALL of the staff is what some of you would call “conservative” or on the “right”, and guess what we do – help folks with disabilities, and we bend over backwards to do so, even asking for MORE money to do it.

    I”m sorry, and not meaning to “offend”, but you can really totally leave politics out of this, and I know, working for the government – for an agency where our sole purpose in life is to help folks just like me, and you, and other forums memvbers here, get training, jobs, computers, etc. – and we do it with a passion and caring…….. and our department pretty much all “leans” one direction.

    This thing knows no politics.

    It knows no educational levels.

    They can be left, right, or dead, smart, dumb, PhD or high school drop out, and they’ll either believe you and want to help, or they’ll deny it exists regardless.

    In my experience, growing up in the family I did – I personally saw no coorolation.

    As far as made up by drug companies – a bit of research shown to the nay-sayers will show it was being found and diagnosed before my parents were even born and drug companies all went over to the dark side and abandonded the force.


    Post count: 14413

    Wow! A right winger that uses a governement agency and asks for more money for it. I’m flaberghasted. I lean to the left myself. I’m always amazed at how certain people like gays blacks hspanics etc are conservative about everything else but extremely liberal about their own people. Hispanics which is my culture is real liberal on immigration but hate gays and women who have abortions and gay republicans tend to be antibig government for the poor. I’ve always found that hypocritical because of that old poem about how there was no one left to say anything. I especially hit my cuban heritage especially hard because we tend to think of ourselves as superiior to other hispanics which is wrong. I have ADHD and it effects me badly but I also have to think about the hispanic part of me. The part of me that is pro-gay civil liberties because I saw my mother suffer the pain of being a gay woman. I have to also think about the working class part of me and the part of me that currently lives on disability because of a terrible meltdown I had some years back and am trying to get back in the saddle. I am all these things which is why I lean left. each group wants to focus on its own troubles and neglect everything else. I find that terrible because we’re all in the same boat. each group needs to have an understanding of the others needs. That is why I support the occupy movement.


    Post count: 913

    Wow – generalizations and prejudices and stereotypes….. and I see some hate in there, too. Anti-big-government does NOT mean anto-poor. You are listening to the media and talking points from the other side. That’s the problem today, IMO – people take only the easy talking points, believe it, and don’t dig deeper.

    Me a rightwinger? Frankly, I only fit into parts of that bucket…………..

    Unfortunately, folks tend to equate each side only with the radical bits they hear about. Neither side is what is reported or heard – but the radical branches of each have tended to define what each is the last few years. They are simply the most vocal minority, and everyone I know on BOTH sides of the aisle frankly don’t care for the extremes in their groups….. and yet that’s what some people tend to define them by.

    Too bad the occupy movement doesn’t really know what they are occupying or for what. Ask a few what they are doing, why and what’s the goal.

    IMO – it’s another group listening only to media and talking points, some say they are against the very things that founded this country, and if some carried out their wishes, the very constitution would go away.

    BTW – I supported Hillary Clinton last time around.

    Please don’t pretend to know my “politics”……………….. you won’t get it right.

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