Back in the 90s I made a serious effort to sharpen my responses to people at work so they’d be more comfortable with me(up until then I’d fall apart verbally if I had to think and talk and find something at the same time), and most people noticed the difference, but this head cashier just kept yelling and yelling at me. I got frustrated-“When is she going to notice that I have it more together now and that she doesn’t have to yell at me?” She’d just yell at me every time I tried to ask her something, and even chewed me out over her own purchase! I didn’t go complain to management because I had a problem with authority figures.I kept thinking I just needed to appear more on top of things! Only after the store closed did I figure out what had happened: I’d made a very un-PC quote from a book, not to agree with it but to point up the ignorance of somebody who’d say something like that, and she heard about it ans misunderstood. But her behavior was very unprofessional and I wish I’d complained.