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i think work wants me to quit

i think work wants me to quit2011-02-14T00:35:42+00:00

The Forums Forums The Workplace Lost/Losing My Job i think work wants me to quit

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    Post count: 14413

    first lets start by saying i have known i had ADHD ever sense i was a child. my job history is not too good either. i have had 16 jobs in 11 years. average lifespan of the jobs is 6 months. shortest one was 2 weeks. longest one was 3 years. all said basically the same thing “your not good enough for this job”. they fired me because they thought i was “lazy” and “not motivated enough”. i always blamed it on me but i am getting tired of saying its my fault i am getting fired. when they don’t understand me and my unique gifts. The job i have now knows i have difficulty being focused at work. but i have not come out and said i have ADHD. i have tried lots of different medication *sigh* but it is one way or the other with them. they either don’t work good enough or they work but i have really bad side effects. from a bad twitch to having crazy mood swings. i was tested by my local state facility and they said i had ADHD just for their reference. so the state knows about it and tries to help. i have also had what they call a “job coach”. a person that comes to you work and tries to help you improve. truthfully that did not work out too well. my work knew about the job coach and they were happy i was getting help. but recently they have started with the “lazy” and “not motivated enough” stuff again. i have told them that music helps me focus better but they say i cant listen to music even when it is in the back area where i cant hear anything even if i wanted too. but a few months ago my boss comes up and tells me how i need to “improve” my work. he even said that could/should quit. then says it is just a suggestion. then just a few days ago he brings up having me possibly quit again. i am doing the best i can i cant help if i get distracted or bored or out of focus. all i do is the same thing every day, and i think my manager put me on the shift i am on to try and make me quit. but that was before he was talking about me quitting. right now i work 5 am to 2pm at my local walmart. so i get up a 3 am. this is what my work schedule is like i come in at 4:45 to clean up and organize then because i work for the dairy department i bring in the new load of milk and put them in their respective rows. then its about 6 am to 6:30 then i fill the milk until it is time for break. we are suppose to have a 15 minute break but mine ends up being around 30 because i don’t want to fall asleep so i keep my mind occupied by playing video games. (i know lame right? but it helps me) then i come back and start on the old creamers from yesterday to fill up the shelf. i don’t get it done but i am almost done by the time i go to lunch at 9 am. during lunch i eat and play more video games (lol). then i come back finish the old creamers then start on the ones that just came in that day. then i do milk again go in my last break for 30 minutes again. then more milk and go home. my boss wants me to bring in the milk take my break and get all the old and new creamers done by 9 am. then do milk and other normal tasks after i come back from lunch. they have what is basically a task schedule which i am never able to complete. my boss said he is tired of giving me warnings on how my performance is lacking. so i suspect i will get what they call a D-day. that’s a paid day off to decide if you want to continue to work at walmart. i will still go back to work and continue to do the best i can until they fire me. and if they fire me because of the same reason that i was fired from the other 15 jobs then i may try to take some legal recourse. i think between the transcripts that would be in my file folder at work and the ones the state have i should be ok. but i hope it will never come to that because in my small town the 3 best places to work at are the rail road walmart DC or walmart store. and in general i kinda like working for walmart. but oh well.


    Post count: 206

    This is a boring job. Do you ever vary the schedule like do the creamers first. If your boss knows that you are bored yet will do nothing to vary your routine what is he expecting. The Walmart has lots of different jobs and maybe the dairy department isn’t a good fit for you. What is your job coach saying. I remember working in the bakery department setting up baked goods for baking. Then decorating donuts, ect. After a few weeks my boss decides I am not fast enough. So I invited him to demonstrate for me the proper technique for improving my speed. So I had him sit with me for 3 nights. I timed him and wrote down his timings. I would use his performance as my new benchmark. The fourth night I was on my own again. I worked at his speed and completed everything just a little faster then he had done. The next night he again came to me and told me I was to slow. I told him that based on his timings that I was well ahead of pace. I showed him the records I had taken with my stopwatch feature and that I was moving a little faster then that. He told me that the company benchmarks were not being met. He then pulled out the book the company gave and showed me. I then asked that how was I supposed to reach these after only a few weeks when he had been unable to reach it after a few years. He just told me to hurry the hell up and finish as fast as the company said that I should. So I worked there for a few more weeks. Then I got tired of him always carping that I wasn’t fast enough and told him that I didn’t think this job was working out, that I was going as fast as I could but I was unable to reach an impossible benchmark.

    So I would suggest that you ask to move to a different job with a little more stimulation then what you have now. Otherwise you can try changing the job to suit yourself and varying things. If you are coming into work 15 minutes early and starting then you are making up the extra 15 you are taking on your break. Try humming to see if this distracts you while you are working.


    Post count: 14413

    i wonder if they want you to quit because if they fired you, you might be justified if you were to sue them on the grounds that they didn’t work with you to accomodate your disability…. hmmmmm. i wouldn’t go without a fight- i’d be sweetness and light and seem keen to solve problems and motivated to keep being there, but at the same time try and get transferred from milk to *something* a bit more varied and less inclined to make me want to tear out my hair – cos how much milk can you realistically look at before you go totally loopy or fall asleep?!

    – if i had to work at walmart i’d much rather work in something like returns processing where i got to talk to customers, help solve problems, and zoom around the store with a cart finding different things on shelves and putting them away, or as an order picker, doing deliveries, driving a forklift around the warehouse, etc- anything with more variety, plenty of different tasks, more interaction with people and objects, and opportunity to think and make decisions, other than um… milk related ones, you know? i might be a bit based cos i can’t eat dairy, but still.

    i know that you’re kinda stuck for options when in a small town, but there has to be something with a bit more variety that’d keep you mentally interested enough that you don’t nod off- early morning hours are my biggest nightmare too- could you maybe be better suited to evening work- a lot of ADHDers suck at mornings- i’m completely useless and practically semi-comatose until at least 11am, myself.

    instead of the video games, can you do something a bit more physical on your break? its hard to fall asleep if you’re doing cardio type stuff, and you could set a loud timer/stopwatch to interrupt you- which’d stop you getting too engaged and taking too long of a break by accident- videogames are about as dangerous as the internet for sucking you into a time vortex like that- you think 5 minutes have gone by, and it turns out to be 3 hours. :D

    have you thought of signing up with a temp agency? if you do temporary work the money tends to be pretty good, and you get plenty of variety- nobody really expects you to be in a job more than a week or two, and it doesn’t get dull half as fast when you’re working here, there, and everywhere. quite a few agencies where i’ve lived picked staff up at the start of the workday from different places, and transported them to wherever they were needed- which might be the case where you are – handy if you don’t drive- or maybe its time to move to a town thats a little bigger- where you have more opportunities? :D


    Post count: 14413

    i actually have been trying to get transferred to a different department. i have been talking to them from day one about moving to electronics. my soul burns for video games and i have a large knowledge for most electronics. also my boss accommodated the last person that was on this shift and never harped on her to get things done on time. she took even longer then me to get things done. but they moved her to a different shift in the same department because she was “old” and had problems “moving” items. at the department managers request. but he can not accommodate me an extra hour or so to get things done? another thing is why did he choose me when there was a better choice for this shift. we have a person there that can do it better than me and he did not chose this person.

    Curlymoe115 thank you for your post i do like your suggestions. i can try the humming but with the changing things around part to make it interesting. i would do that but my department manager comes in at 7 and my other manager (the one that can fire me) comes in at 8 so i need to have all the milk full by then. if i don’t they will get mad. so there is really no place to change up what i am doing. i do love it when other people pull me to do different things. i mean occasionally i may get pulled to grocery to stock shelves there. i know “but that’s what you are doing in dairy” its just that it is a change of location. other times they pull me to grab carts from the parking lot because they need carts.

    jeneticallymodified thank you for your post. i am actually a very nice and kind employee. people in my department come to me for help even when the department manager is there. my department manager even asks me for help. i don’t understand why he is asking me though, and i even have repeat customers that come and find me if they cant find what they are looking for because they like my attitude. i actually do like it there. i like the people i am around and the work in dairy it actually not bad. i so agree with you. its the same when i had worked in fast food. i mean how many burgers and fries can you look at until you lose it! lol. also i am like you i am not fully functional until like 10 am witch is after my lunch, and sometimes when i play my games i can get super focused on my game and not realize what is going on or what time it is. i would join a temp agency but we don’t have one here, and i would move to a big city but i could not afford it. i need money so i can move first and i need a job to get money. so yea i am just stuck in an endless circle on that part.

    again thank you both for your kind words. knowing people have the same troubles as me makes me feel better and once i get some money i am going to buy one of those ADHD shirts. i like the shirts.

    (edit) i actually don’t have my job coach any more she was around me like a few months when my first problem arose then never showed up again. i guess i improved enough for her but eventually not enough for walmart. that was like over a year ago.


    Post count: 14413

    i wonder if there is any way you can get back in contact with the job coach, explain the problem you’re having and the ideas you’ve come up with to try and fix it, and see if you can get her back on side. if the two of you arrange to have a proper sit-down meeting with your manager about the whole thing, it might be harder for him to squirm out of giving you some honest answers, really looking seriously at whats going on, and to avoid sorting things out- you’d have a witness and advocate on your team, and he wouldn’t be able to claim that you have an attitude problem if you’re clearly trying to fix the problem. its funny how quickly things can get moving when a bit of pressure is applied in the right way. :D

    another possible strategy: have you considered approaching an employee who has been working in electronics for a while, yourself- someone friendly looking- and asking them if they could offer you a bit of advice/insider info about that dept? you could explain that you really want to be part of that team, sound them out about which manager is the easiest to talk to and most human, when is a good time to talk to him (cos you don’t wanna catch him when he’s really busy or stressed) just strike up a bit of a friendship- be honest about your desire to work in their department, approach them as someone who is ‘in the know’, and see what you can find out.

    most people really love being asked for their opinion and being looked up to in the role of ‘wise and knowledgable person’, just like most managers with half a brain want staff who have a passion for their work- and if nothing else, you’ll look like a pro-active, motivated person who took the initiative to fix a problem. if someone over there with a bit of power was able to see how much enthusiasm you have for electronics and how much desire you have to be there, perhaps they could get you moved. the person you speak to when you’re sussing things out might even say to their boss in passing next time they see him “this really enthusiastic guy from dairy was here earlier- he knew his stuff about videogames, and said he was looking to get transferred… he seemed pretty cool all round, actually…” which would stand you on a great footing for when you did actually meet the supervisor- you’d already be in his head and making a good impression!

    basically: your manager is blocking your progress- so its worth trying to find another route to get to where you wanna be. he might get his nose out of joint if you go over his head to his manager, and you might look like a troublemaker if it ends up making him look like an arsehole who hasn’t been doing his job properly, so going around him might be a better strategy- the manager in electronics would probably respect someone who was prepared to do a bit of legwork and then stick their neck out and introduce themselves to him, and your crappy manager might also be releived if he can wiggle out of having to deal with you any more- especially if someone else is keen to take you off his hands.

    just remember to focus on all the positive stuff you can do for them, all your great traits and skills, and really sell yourself, while sucking up just a little bit. if you go over there and say “urgh… dude: milk sucks so bad, my manager is always bitching at me, i fail epically at being up so early in the morning, and i fall asleep all the time in my breaks… i’d rather hang out here and play videogames with you guys”… he’s less likely to want to get you transferred to his team than he would be if you said ” i’m working in dairy right now, and i work hard- but honestly- its not somewhere where my strengths can really be put to their best use. my real passion is electronics- i know a lot about videogames, and i’m great at working with customers. i know i’d be a big asset to your team, i’m really motivated to succeed, and i’d appreciate any help or advice you could offer me to help make that happen!”… you know?


    Post count: 14413

    jeneticallymodified thanks again for the post. i tried talking to my state official. but my last job coach is not available and he does not have one that would be available during my work time. i have also tried talking to the electronics manager but because i got in trouble twice (for not being as productive as other people in my department) so i can not transfer because it is a higher paying department. the manager did say he would look into taking me after my marks had come off. but that will take at least one year. but i am trying to figure something out though.


    Post count: 14413

    If the meds aren’t helping and you are working to find better ways to cope, but not getting the results you are after, odds are ADHD is not the right diagnoses. There are other conditions that share traits with ADHD, and ADHD can co-exist with other conditions.

    Stop making excuses for yourself and figure out how to do the job you applied for, interviewed for, agreed to the conditions of and took on without anyone forcing you. If you can’t move on. Don’t blame WalMart, the manager or the lady who drives the bus. It didn’t work, something else will, get busy finding it. Don’t blame yourself either!

    Make video games the reward for finishing your day, not to kill time at break. Time at break should be spent outside going for a walk or talking with co-workers. If you smoke, stop. You are an adult, you are capable, you don’t need excuses, you don’t need to blame, you are allowed to think and act like you. Identify what makes you different, embrace that and move on knowing that you are in charge of you in a world that is not perfect.


    Post count: 14413

    callmecrazy i understand your post. but the meds do work but they have given me very bad side effects. i dont want to cause diffrent problems by just fixing one, and the new meds that have came out work but they dont make them strong enfough so i have the full effect. so i still would have the same problems. i have been trying all my life to find a way to work better but its not easy to find what puts you in focous so you can do better.


    Post count: 14413

    if you can get a partial effect from a newer med- thats a great start- it’ll be easier to actively work on the other stuff, at least- some benefit is much better than none. if the older meds work but the side effects suck- go back to the doctor and see if there have been advances since you last tried them (cos there are, all the time!), and work with her to get the dosage as low as you can- so you’re still getting something from it, but so that the side effects are treatable and/or tollerable. find a middle ground.

    the vast majority of problems don’t go away when you use meds -they haven’t made me stop swearing, or stopped me wanting to be rude to people- those things are influenced a lot by both my habits, and my environment. they just clear the fog a bit and let you tune into yourself a bit more, so that you can think half-way straight. so now i can say “right- this swearing and being rude- i need to work on it. i’m gonna pay more attention to my speech today- i might not be able to avoid screwing up just yet, but i’m gonna try and spot the mistakes as they happen, apologise, and fix them right away- i’m gonna change this pattern bit by bit- and soon i’ll start to catch myself *before* i screw up!”.

    with meds i’m able to do that a little better- cos i’m not getting hypnotised by the texture of the wall or walking in circles trying to remember what i was doing and run around frantically catching up, quite as much as before. i can shake off a stupid idea a little easier, cos i’m not functioning like a headless chicken caught up in a whirlwind- i’m more like a chicken with half a brain and some heavy boots on, clumping about on a breezy day. :D

    you’ve identified a lot of your problem areas already. you know that you get into trouble when you play video games in your break, right? there are easy ways to avoid that- either don’t take your PSP to work, or stick a note on the screen of your cellphone that says “no playing games at break time!”, plan to go for a walk around the block with a co-worker at lunch- put a little strategy in place to catch you before you slip up. i know its more fun to play games than it is to accept responsibility and resist your impulses, but its no fun being yelled at or getting fired either- remind yourself of that when your brain says ‘just one game! its not fair! i want to play!’. similarly, you know that you suck terribly in the mornings- so why the hell are you working that shift? get onto a different one! if you need to, get a job that is advertising for twilight or overnight shelf-stackers, that starts when you’re at your best- for me thats about 4 to 6pm until about 2am. if you can’t change that, then drink coffee or cola, put a rubber band or elasticated hairband on your wrist and snap it, give yourself an atomic wedgie, or do *something* else to give yourself a good shake awake when you start to notice that you’re getting sleepy.

    i know how hard it is to feel like you keep running into brick walls, falling down, getting up, brushing yourself off, and having another go- but in many ways you’re responsible for choosing to keep running headfirst at the wall- instead of looking for a doorway, ladder, or way around it. that is understandable, cos patterns are hard to break- but unless you want to be exactly where you are now in a years time- only with more grazes on your head and knees, and a few concussions under your belt- you need to sit down and realistically look at not just what you *can’t* do (like make the wall vanish), but more importantly what you *CAN* do (like get support, try new strategies, build on your strengths, find a level of meds that gives you a bit of an edge, etc).


    Post count: 14413

    If they are suggesting you quit, I would say they don’t have a reason, or a good enough one to fire you. I would do some real soul-searching as to what you really want to do with your life. Working under the constant gun of possibly being fired, or pressured to quit cannot be good for your self-esteem or confidence. I find in my own expereince when I have gotten that feeling that my boss wanted me to quit, and it has happened, I was way to hard on myself. As I have gotten older, I am learning to recognize quicker when I am a good fit for a task or job than before. what I am good at, I am really good at, but what I am not good at, or cannot stay focused on, just trust me when I say, I am pretty darn bad! Good luck – S


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Finding the right job for you, with the right company & people, makes all the difference in the world.

    Kupobob, is Walmart the only retail store in your town? I ask, because Walmart is well-known for being a huge, soulless company that demands that everyone be a tooth in a gear of its massive business machine. If you don’t (or can’t) do that, then it will either force you to comply, or kick you to the curb. Your manager’s insistence that you meet impossible speed targets that he himself can’t meet, is a perfect example of this.

    BTW, is your manager aware of your medical conditions, or is he under the impression that you’re just a “dumb slacker”? Walmart may have a policy on workers with disabilities, that could help you. Read & understand it fully, before you decide whether or not to disclose your condition.

    Maybe you’d do better working somewhere other than Walmart. If you can find a smaller, or independent, store to work in, you will probably find it easier to fit in. This is because the owner or manager can make compromises, if you need some sort of accommodation in order to do the job. Also, a smaller store has far fewer distractions than a huge Walmart does. If your area has some sort of “hire the disabled” program, you may be able to get some placement assistance, and the store may even be able to get a subsidy, as an added incentive to hire you. Look into all of this, before you even hint at leaving Walmart, and, of course, don’t leave your current job until you’ve found a new one.


    Post count: 14413

    BTW- thanks for putting spaces in your later posts- I tried to read your original post but those long, unending line of sentences were too much for an AD D’er, like me-much easier to tackle now when broken into short, readable paragraphs. *Smiles*. I’ll go back an try again!

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