I’m in my early forties, I’m just learning about adult ADHD. I’ve got 7 of the inattentive symptoms, none of the hyperactive, and all three of the impulsive. I’m always in a hurry, and always late, for no apparent reason. I’ve never met a stop sign that didn’t look more like a yield sign to me. I have issues with fatigue, and possibly misdiagnosed with depression? Anyhow, is there a inattentive/impulsive subtype? My mother has ADHD with an capital H, and I’ve always seemed different from her, with the exception that we both drive like we’re late whether we are or not.
I’m heading to my primary care physician Friday, and I’m afraid they’ll give me the wrong diagnosis or meds, since my symptoms don’t seem to line up with the main subtypes. Any advice? Thanks.