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Impulsive spending

Impulsive spending2011-01-16T23:45:39+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Impulsive spending

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    Post count: 14413

    Does anyone else have a problem with impulsive buying? This has been a big problem for me. I don’t think ahead when it comes to money and I don’t think about our monthly expenses. The worst time is lunch time at work. My wife and I have agreed upon a standard amount of money that I can use throughout the week on lunch and I always over spend. Usually what happens is that I’ll take my lunch or I’ll decide to eat somewhere fairly cheap but when I’m invited to go eat at the more expensive places I just can’t turn my coworkers down. When invited, I’m not thinking of how much we spent on groceries, gas, and other stuff. I usually just take the credit card out and spend spend spend. I’m bad about impulsively spending on books I want too. At the end of the week when my wife goes over the account I get so stressed and feel so guilty leading up to when she finds out about the money I spent. I always promise not to do it anymore and then next week we go through the same thing. Does anyone have any tips that have been successful in the past when it comes to impulse buying?


    Post count: 14413

    I’m at this point luckily single, but I have the same problem with food, either food itself or dealing with food (equipment). If you can’t control you self than bring you and your wife to a farmers market or a some sort of used equipment store (you should save some money that way). Make sure that you bring your spouse, what ever you pick up you need to use. That’s where your spouse comes in, what ever you pick up you need to use at least a couple times a month. Justify it with great receipts and your spouse needs to enforce it on the calender.


    Post count: 14413

    I do spend impulsively at times, but the thing that’s kept it in check all these years is the fact that I’ve been too poor to do much impulsive spending!


    Post count: 546

    I have done some pretty bad impulive spending , the worsed I have ever been was last spring when me and a friend were out having coffee . I spent $15000 on a new motor cycle, needless to say that did not go over well. I was in the doghouse for a long time. the only other time I did some thing that silly was when I say a car I liked and the guy that had it knew were iI could get one just one year older than his . so we went to look at it and he says to me this is a nice car , if you don’t buy it than I will. I should have let him have the car , but no I spent $5000 that I did’t have. I still have the car but Iam told it will cost me $2500 to fix, still love the car , but it’s a 95 how much should one spend on an old car. when it’s on the road it gives a great ride. the keep telling me we can’t spend money we don,t have. shes right but I still don’t like hearing it. so it sits in my yard hoping some day I will be able to have it repaired .she keeps telling me it has to go , so far it’s still in the yard. those are just the big ticket things I am also bad for bringing home all kinds of daily staples we don’t need. then we will go to a store and she will say we don’t need whatever I have focused on , she will keep reminding me obout what we need and then when we go by whatever the item I have been focusing on she will look at me and just say NO , At that point I tease her a little then we both start laughing and just keep moving on. Maybe a little thing still is great entertanment almost every time we go to the store. life is good.


    Post count: 14413

    I know what you mean. For me its porn and food. Have to cut down on both.

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