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Insomnia and meds?

Insomnia and meds?2010-02-28T04:35:42+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    I took the online test here and scored a 6/9 and 8/9. Haven’t talked to my doctor yet. I go through periods of being really super-energized and really tired, and it’s already messing up my sleep. I used to take low-dose amitryptyline to help unwire me and let me sleep throughout the night, but weaned off a couple of years ago, and have managed ok (am self-employed so I can get up when I want). I’m wondering if the stimulant meds will help the ADHD but mess up my sleep cycle.

    I really don’t trust my doc to give me a straight answer because she never reviews the drugs I’m on. The last few times I asked, she said “if it’s working for you, just keep taking it”. Sounds like a presciption for the drug companies, not me. I have weaned myself off most of my meds successfully. Can psychologists diagnose this and prescribe?


    Post count: 53

    Hello Susan, I’m not really sure how to answer the med questions but I can tell you that if you are on the right medication that depending on what your day is like and what time you take your meds it shouldn’t affect your sleep. A great example for me would be I’m exhausted today only because I took my meds later in the day. yesterday I took quick release ritalin and then concerta at 1 pm. I actually forgot to take it but I knew that I was going to have a late night…I had a soccer game at 10:30 pm and knew that we would be going up to the lounge for a drink and that I probably would be home at about 1 am and that I would need about an hour relax and then be tired enough to go to bed. Yah who was I kidding!! I couldn’t for the life of me fall asleep…and I was very tired. So today as much as I’m feeling focused and coherent…I’m exhausted and I’m working harder then normal to focus. I’m from out west and it’s 10 pm and by 11 pm I’m going to bed to catch up on sleep…I will have a much better day tomorrow because I took my meds earlier today. so if you see a post later than 11 pm alberta time then I’m having trouble sleeping…and make a comment on that.

    As for your doctor I would research to see if there is a doctor who can prescribe and you can still use your psychologist for support because that is absolutely important. I don’t think a psychologist can prescribe. Have a great evening!



    Post count: 14413

    There are two basic problems associated with insomnia: lack of tiredness and anxiety. Does your brain not stop though you feel tired? Do your eyes feel like they just can’t close? Meds help both conditions but so can non-med treatments. For anxiety, yoga, meditation, massage etc. can help a great deal. For lack of tiredness, you have to burn off more energy and make yourself tired.

    Sleep issues are a big deal in the ADDer. A video that is coming out soon but for some suggestions, go to the following link:


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