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April 10, 2012 at 10:26 pm #113781
It sux, but I’ve come to the realisation there is nothing I can do about. So I’ll just do heaps of researching on the net and read books etc and learn as much as I can myself and work out some new strategies to assist me whilst I wait. I might end up knowing more than the doc by the time the appointment happens!
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 11:05 pm #113782
AnonymousInactiveApril 10, 2012 at 11:05 pmPost count: 14413WaWaB……so many people who are ADD or ADH…..are completely different from each other….yes…. at times there are many commonalities, or maybe slivers of commonalities, but because of the spectrum nature of ADD(H), it is really difficult to pinpoint or describe a typical ADDer. I believe your post above is more true than not… “perception of ADHD is still of the really hyper, naughty kid at school”. Unfortunately, if the traits that exhibit for you are not obvious, like in your description well……they (your Dr.) may run down another avenue, so stay with it.
Read, read, read….read all you can……your idea to be as knowledgeable, or more so, than your doctor is appropriate. If nothing else you will be able to communicate appropriately with your Dr. which will be a great asset to him…..and as such to you as well.
If you tour this site you will find all sorts of ADDers stories…..with all sorts of traits exhibited….some very positive, others that cause folks dismay. So…. read…. learn…..I believe you are your best asset!!!
One more thing….slightly off topic….if it’s not to personal what is “wawabyjohnah”…..I love it, and curiosity is killing me….if it’s not too personal?
REPORT ABUSEApril 10, 2012 at 11:32 pm #113783Hey Toofat
wawa by johnah is the name I use for my photography/art business. WaWa stands for Wall and Wearable art- so photography, paintings, drawings etc plus I design t-shirts occasionally too. Johnah is a nickname I gave myself back in primary school after reading a book called ‘your code name is jonah’. I added an extra ‘h’ cause I thought it’d be cool!
REPORT ABUSEApril 11, 2012 at 3:54 am #113784
AnonymousInactiveApril 11, 2012 at 3:54 amPost count: 14413Well that is too cool WaWaB, thanks for responding……another creative artist…..look at you!!! I’m impressed!! I too do art work, sketch mostly, I’ve always had an artistic streak…… as do many ADDers (although many will also deny it). I’m a musician, a custom bike and hotrod builder too…all of which are art forms and require “an eye” and “feel” for flow color etc etc. Good on ya!!!.
Sorry for derailing your post, but curiosity was just killin’ me……thanks.
REPORT ABUSEApril 11, 2012 at 6:21 am #113785I’l forgive you for derailing my post. I got my answer anyway.
I’m also a muso, I play brass (baritone horn currently, but usually a euphonium- google david childs to see a pro eupho player if you don’t know what one is) and have tried to teach myself guitar and piano, with limited success. I also write poetry and short stories. I used to tell people if my hands or mind are not kept occupied, all hell may break loose, so that is why I have so many hobbies. But now I know there is a more reasonable excuse for it! Lol