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Is Strattera effective? I've heard mixed opinions – I'm starting shortly

Is Strattera effective? I've heard mixed opinions – I'm starting shortly2010-05-11T16:45:49+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Hello – I was just diagnosed with ADHD combined type – aged 39, male. I’ve been prescribed Strattera and my family physician will fill out a prescription when I see him Thursday. I’ve heard from a few people that Strattera isn’t great. The psychiatrist stated that with my history of anxiety, and given that I am old enough to wait for the drug to kick in, this was his suggestion. Plus a family member of mine has a tic disorder, and I think this is one reason he’s prescribed it.

    Dr. J – I was wondering if you had any opinions about this medication? I guess I’m looking to hear something positive about it, as I am nervously awaiting some medication to help me out.

    Dr. J – I saw you at Ontario Science Center a month or so ago for a TotallyADD.com presentation. This was my first time attending anything to do with ADHD. It was a terrific event, and I wanted to thank everyone who organized it (and who attended) for making it such a positive experience!





    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    The trouble with any sort of mental or emotional condition is that treatment is never “one size fits all”. What works for one person may not work for the next, and may even have unpleasant side effects. You just can’t know what’ll work for you until you try it for a while. This trial-and-error process can be difficult and frustrating—or you may luck out, and the first medicine you try will work beautifully.

    If you have a close blood relative with the same condition, who is on medication for it, then there’s a pretty good chance that what works for them will work for you, but, again, it’s not a sure thing.

    So get yourself a journal, so you can note down what you’re taking, and how much of it, and how you’re feeling. This will be a big help in determining if you’re on the right medicine(s) at the right dose(s).

    And be sure to research each medication thoroughly, at least so you’ll know what to expect, and (especially) what side effects are sufficiently serious to warrant stopping the medication and going to your doctor immediately.

    Bona Fortuna!


    Post count: 14413

    Thanks Larynxa!

    “So get yourself a journal, so you can note down what you’re taking, and how much of it, and how you’re feeling. This will be a big help in determining if you’re on the right medicine(s) at the right dose(s).”

    I’m going to do that – great idea. I remember when I first took SSRIs and how crummy they made me feel (GI disturbances, light-headedness, etc…) but that receded after a couple of weeks. I’m figuring an NRI like Strattera may do the same thing. Thanks for reminding me that each med is tailored to an individual, or at least that each individual may respond differently. Most of the negative reviews have been from folks who appear to have had negative side effects in the first few weeks. I’m pretty patient (after all, I’m 39 and can stand to wait a little longer for medication to help me out).




    Post count: 14413

    My psychiatrist actually requires me to do that each time she tries me on a new medication. She also has me note what time of day I am taking it as it helps to make sure I am establishing a routine that helps it work. I too have started Straterra, though only a week ago. I haven’t seen any effect yet, which is driving me a bit crazy. Once it starts kicking in I can start taking my Ritalin again, which will really help me at work. The issue for me is I have anxiety, like you have. I can’t take the Ritalin dose I need to improve my concentration without getting super jittery so my psychiatrist is hoping the Straterra will give the Ritalin a little help.

    At least I haven’t seen any negative side effects yet. Though a bit of increased anxiety for the first day or so but I’m not sure that had anything to do with the Straterra as much as knowing the only drug I was taking wasn’t helping me any and I couldn’t take the Ritalin I had been counting on.

    Good luck! If anything changes I’ll let you know. Let’s keep each other posted! :)


    Post count: 14413

    Well, I’ve started on Strattera – here is my experience on Day 1: http://www.mungosadhd.com/2010/06/first-day-on-strattera-for-adult-adhd.html

    I’m up to Day 4 so far, and all seems well. Minor side effects, and possibly (only possibly) minor positive effects…




    Post count: 14413

    Now I’m up to day 12 on Strattera – going to be titrating up from the starting dose of 10 mg at my doctor’s next week. But so far so good. Main side-effect has been consternation. No, actually, it is something that rhymes with consternation. But will induce a sense of consternation. If you know what I mean: http://www.mungosadhd.com/2010/06/day-12-on-strattera-productivity-and.html



    Post count: 14413

    (I’ll be here the whole week. Tip your waitress. Try the veal. You’ve been a great audience – hecklers included – goodnight everybody…)


    Post count: 14413

    Ahahahaha! I’ve been reading your blog, so it seems redundant to voice my opinions here as well. :) But I’m also having some great results from Strattera. No side effects to speak of, except some tiredness. At first I had some increased anxiety but it swung down to levels below what they were before I started after a couple of weeks.

    It took me a lot longer for Strattera to start working for me than it did for you though. I didn’t start seeing any real noticeable positive results until about the middle of the fourth week or so. Even once the stuff really started kicking in I never saw the same kinds of effects that you are seeing. It is good for me that I am only using it to supplement another medication. Still, I am more than glad to be on it.


    Post count: 109

    Everybody reacts differently to medication of course, but I remember hearing Dr. J say that anybody who had previously taken a stimulant medication will probably NOT find Stratrera effective since it is not a stimulant. So the negative reports you’ve heard might have been from folks who had previously tried something else?


    Post count: 14413

    Strattera is so different from stimulants that comparisons are unavoidable but not realistic. They act in different ways on different things. I believe ADHD is a lifestyle thing and that you have to take time to make the changes necessary. Strattera is more in keeping with the overall philosophy of long term change. Psychostimulants have the advantage of giving you short term hope though and one can’t discount the power here.


    Post count: 14413

    Strattera has helped me with focusing and with anxiety . Initially, it was the focus improvement for three hours that started on the first day on 18 mg once a day. After the sixth day dosage changed to 25 mg once a day where focus improvement remained for 6 hours. Then after another six days I started taking 25 mg twice a day. Focus improvement remains for 8 hours. It was at this point the anxiety level improved because of moderate progress in organizational skills and environment clutter. I will post again when dosage changes or when changes in attitude are apparent.

    Note: I do like that I do not feel jittery as when I was on dextroamphetamine SR 10 mg once a day. The ability to sustain relaxed focus is better for me with Strattera.


    Post count: 14413

    Given my experience with strattera, I am inclined to caution any who are prescribed this med. After ahoy 15 months ,I began to experience a serious case of depression. What baffled me, was my life was really coming together…great job performance, beautiful fiance, and an all round great life. After having suicidal thoughts and tendancies, I opted to make a change.


    Post count: 14413

    lol emma spam reported … just when i was hoping for more information on strattera and up pops a troll .. sigh/

    is odd no one posted for a year .. are they well ?


    Post count: 14413

    Might want to read people’s opinions here- http://totallyadd.com/forum/forum.php?id=26


    Post count: 14413

    is ok i found his blog … thanks for strattera link … seems mostly me asking .. lol forgot i posted

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