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Is this ADHD?

Is this ADHD?2012-01-13T18:20:19+00:00

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  • #90152

    Post count: 14413

    I can remember as a kid having undiagnosed ADHD… I would be sitting in grade school and I would have a thought about something that I enjoyed. I would get a 2 or 3 second rush of happiness…. Like a dopamine rush, followed by immediate dissapointment and saddness. I can remember thinking to myself, “man, I wish I could be that happy all the time.” Could that have been an early indication of ADHD? This happened to me once or twice a week.


    Post count: 14413

    It is a very good description that might be ADHD. If you feel you have been living in a funk, or dysthymia, you may be ADHD though many other things can also do this (e.g. dysfunctional families)

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