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Job Hunting

Job Hunting2012-12-01T02:19:15+00:00
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    Post count: 14413

    Hey I have been having trouble getting myself motivated enough to really buckle down and start applying to jobs, I need to find one but with this market it isn’t an easy task especially when I was just diagnosed with ADD a couple months ago. Thanks everyone!!!


    Post count: 146

    Don’t have time to post right now but I’m going to save this to favorites since I had to go looking for a job just shortly after being diagnosed and loosing my job of 11 years. It had been a wild ride to say the least. But I hear you. It’s not an easy thing to do for anyone. Then ADD to that!

    So I will post some things I did over the last year this weekend. It’s late and I have to get off to bed. But always have to check in with the site at night. You will probably get some good tips form others and I’m looking forward to those as well since this has also been a real struggle for me as well. I have a job now but it’s part time at the moment.

    But yourself some time and go easy on yourself. Job hunting is hard and you just got diagnosed. Both are hard things to deal with. Ok that was me coaching myself this last year. LOL


    Post count: 146

    Ok just posted something but it seems to have not uploaded.


    Post count: 146

    Crap what I had didn’t load. I’ll have to see what happened.


    Post count: 146

    Well who knows. I’ll just redo the first part. It got long.

    Right now I’m focusing on finding 4 jobs I would like to apply for. And just that part.

    When I procrastinate I find that’s a signal that I need to break things down into smaller pieces. A lot of the putting off I found was

    that having to gather information about job dates and addresses, references etc. would get so dreary and dull I would just not want to do it.

    I would loose interest and move onto some other thing or project. So I would procrastinate and then I either could not find the job posting or it would be gone.

    I have a master folder I keep on my computer named Job Search Materials and keep documents of all that stuff in there. So I have it and I don’t have to go look for it. And on off days I could at least get that all together so on the days when my brain did turn back on I could use that energy to customize my resume and cover letters.

    I’m a graphic designer so I think very, very visually. I would rather design it or draw it than to have to write something. If I have to write a lot of stuff I would rather have chinese water torture performed on me on some days. So I looked to people I know who were better at that who could help me go over grammar and proofing. I tend to use really long run on sentences. When I worked with my niece or another person I seemed to stay on task better and liked having some feedback from somewhere other than my own head.

    What line of work are you in? And are you just looking to change jobs or are you out of work? As I said I was laid off after 11 years so it was quite the wake up call.

    I’ve always wanted to get a thread going on this to help each other out and keep the ADD mind on task. I’m also just as interested to see what others have some up with in this area. For me its’ a real pain in the arse.


    Post count: 226

    I just got a job. That said, job hunting is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Also my brother applied for one job and was hired right away. (2 years of job hunting, almost 3)

    There was a program at the library that went over my resume and cover letters. My first resume was three pages long and my cover letter with two pages. Then it was one page. Also did web-seminars for job hunting, applications, the best way to get notice, and other job finding stuff. There were job fairs, but hardly anything in my field.

    There were some books on how to write cover letters and resume. My favorite and the easiest for me was listing my skills.

    Applications took forever too. Sometimes, I was so frustrated and I always cry when that happens. I could save applications and come back to it later.

    Net working became my best friend. Tons of people helped me with the actual job searching. Since that was the hardest for me to do. The idea of sitting down for hours looking for a job was a nightmare. Actually that is how I got my job. Someone told me that they found the perfect job but it is part time but doesn’t come with benefits.

    Oh, and I may have an interview for another part time job. I have to wait and see. Another one of my net work people found me that job too.

    My job is a program assistant at a nature center. The best thing about this job is I am taking care of animals, helping with classes for kids, cleaning (not the best), and I am always moving around. So it is perfect for an ADDer. The thing I am worried about is the check lists for animals. I have to check off everything from cleaning to feeding the animals. Then another check list for cleaning the building.


    Post count: 146

    That’s how I got my current job as well. Through networking through a previous co-worker.

    I didn’t know there was a program to go through Cover letters and resumes. I’ll have to take a look at that.

    I also did workshops through my states Work Force Service. They were really basic but it was free.


    Post count: 226

    @Misswho23 I applied at the library, since I was there sometimes two times a week. At the information desk, I informed them that I applied to work here. Since most of them knew my name for when a sudden question came up. They did think I would be a good fit, because I would help guest that had trouble looking for books, researching, and other library things. The information desk at the library had tons of information on job searches as well. Since I had people looking for me, I didn’t need that service. Now that I glorified the library too much. You should go.

    Job fairs were free as well. Although they made you give them a resume and cover letter. Oh, and when you got home they wanted you to fill out the survey.

    Okay, so now I have some paper work for my job to do, but I am going do that at noon. For some reason, filling out forms works best when I did it from noon to three. I have to do them today. The forms are due tomorrow.

    I have time it is only 9:33am

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