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Job Search

Job Search2013-03-11T17:35:50+00:00
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  • #119550

    Post count: 13

    It is of the highest importance that I get a job, soon!!!  But job searching is the most frustrating thing there is, for me, and for other people.  I just find it so difficult on getting everything done.  Either I am focusing so much on collecting job bulletins and research that I don’t get to actually applying until it is too late, or I just get overwhelmed and don’t get anything done.  Or, I go on to more interesting things and don’t do the job search at all.  It is so agravating!!!  I am 26 years old, I graduated with my Master’s degree two months ago, I have some work experience, but almost all of it is from museums, so I am simply daunted by the thought of not being able to get a job anywhere else.  Even though people keep telling me that you can get a job with transferable skills I still have my doubts.  To make things worse, I am not qualified for most jobs in museums.  So, I am really having a tough time getting and staying motivated.

    The bottom line is that nothing is ever going to happen if I don’t send out applications.  Yes, that is obvious.  What I need to do is devise a system so that I get applications done and sent out efficiently.  Right now I just need a job in general, so I have set my sights on lower level jobs in museums, such as museum assistant positions or customer service, as well as entry and lower level jobs outside of the sector.  It seems very difficult to organize this, but I don’t know if it is possible for me to narrow it down any more.  I know I am capable of getting a job.




    Post count: 14413

    Try looking up museum association websites and go to their career page.  Maybe go to one page and apply for one job per day.

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