The Forums › Forums › Tools, Techniques & Treatments › Organizing & De-Cluttering › Just hired someone to help me declutter my home!
October 10, 2012 at 1:17 pm #91073
It’s a little expensive but I see it as an Early Christmas gift from me to me. And the best part is that this person specializes in people with ADD
REPORT ABUSENow all I need to do is find a way to save up
October 10, 2012 at 2:25 pm #116661I think that is excellent. I did it myself but I was laid off at the time. It would have been easier to have someone help me. But I survived.
After some momentum it started to become fun. At first there was some emotions and the thoughts of crap why can’t I get it together. But it was a good way to channel my energy about being frustrated with being unemployed at the time. This was over the last year.
And the plus is that you will probably uncover a bunch of stuff you forgot about so it’s like getting gifts along the way that you didn’t have to go and spend money on! I still find I spend way less because I find all the stuff I need to use now instead of buying more. Merry early Christmas to you!
Way save up. Think of doing Christmas portraits or something using your photography skills. Still making money off the jewelry designing I started. I’m doing an open house for friends and some clients before Christmas for early shopping. Maybe you have prints that could be nice to just frame or turn into a set of note cards?
REPORT ABUSEOctober 10, 2012 at 3:55 pm #116662I wonder if there is something about the process of de-cluttering on your own that instills a longer term commitment? Having said that, I think watching a bunch of “Clean House” shows years ago helped me a lot. Much of the dialogue from the shows came back to me as I was attacking our house. Phrases like “it’s the memory, not the object that’s important”, and “when will you wear/use that thing” came to mind so often.
One of my pleasures in life is bargain hunting (hence all the junk), I have satisfied that need recently by always being on the look out for good deals on boxes and containers. If you just go out and buy what you need without a lot of shopping around, organizing a house could cost a small fortune.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 10, 2012 at 4:32 pm #116663I’m so grateful I hate shopping, it saves me a whole lot of struggle. I do have a mom who’s a shop-aholic so she tends to help me find clutter. I find it very difficult to organize just about anything but got a key piece of advice from my sister, she said think in small squares, so I started organizing my home in 30cm square increments. I found the holy grail, my linen closet could be in a magazine.
I still struggle with my ability to pull a cat in the hat thing one and things two tornado which keeps me a couple of steps behind but it’s become more and more manageable. I need to keep at it. I decided to hire someone to help me with getting organized as I just moved and couldn’t see my way thru the boxes, it just became a source of anxiety as I tried to figure out where things go in a new place. So, I found an ad for house cleaners and had them come in, it took about ten hours but things began to start to take shape. I told them one of my greatest difficulties is organizing and finding “the” place for everything. I was assured they would be great with that.
Even tho my house looked much higher better the organization just wasn’t functional correct me. Turns out my housekeepers both have ADHD. I asked them about it and they both knew, but, now, I need to find someone who can help me who can be more detail oriented, they got the whole adhd big picture down and things look good but I just can’t feel good about the way things are organized. I would love a problem adhd organizer but, so far I can’t find one.
Hope it works out amazing for you, and that you get a lot of peace from having a functional home environment.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 10, 2012 at 4:44 pm #116664Hey good for you distractedmomma!
let us know how it goes – love to live vicariously through others!!
I Have a major basement de-cluttering project myself but too much other work that keeps interfering with my scheduled time. Luckily this year I don’t have to host the family Christmas so don’t feel overly pressured but it is still nagging at me .
I once hired a friend who wanted to get int othe organizing business and volunteering to be her guinea pig . It was helpful but the project was far too enormous to finish. I ended up paying her for her time in the end because I don’t think she had anticipated the magnitude of the job!
REPORT ABUSEOctober 10, 2012 at 5:17 pm #116665Oh man, I would LOVE to get someone in to help me declutter our house. We’re having a yard sale this weekend though, so I’m hoping we get rid of a bunch of junk. I have the hardest time though attempting to get things in order or just clean up in general. Usually it’s that I don’t even know where to start to get organized, especially with the kids’ stuff.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 11, 2012 at 4:10 am #116666Ginnie, as you say, functionality is crucial. I think that is what made the difference for me. The meds were really working and I could look at things in a very realistic way. How do we use these items? and how can I organize them in a way that is practical for an ADHD family?
Not quite the way I see things done in other peoples houses for sure.
Why I asked the question “I wonder if there is something about the process of de-cluttering on your own that instills a longer term commitment?”, is that I did most of the work, and on my part, things have worked out really well. I’m still enjoying being able to find most things, and I organized for ease of putting things away easily. I actually get a little dopamine rush knowing someting is back in it’s place 😆 The rest of the household has not done so well. It’s still easier to dump stuff where ever for them, though they have improved quite a bit.
I have to look at the family as a work in progress, but now I feel some responsibility in leading them to a clutter free Nirvana.
REPORT ABUSEOctober 11, 2012 at 1:54 pm #116667ipsofacto, your experience as you describe it sounds very similar to mine. However, I am seriously beginning to wonder if my family is a lost organizational cause! No amount of simplification seems to motivate them to put it back, close it, put it away or whatever it is one can do with “stuff.” I suppose until everyone in a household is on board it will be an uphill battle. In my case it seems I’m battling up a mountain though
REPORT ABUSEOctober 13, 2012 at 10:13 pm #116668
AnonymousInactiveOctober 13, 2012 at 10:13 pmPost count: 14413I’m celebrating (?) ADHD Awareness Week with a massive declutter of my house, but unfortunately I’m doing it myself….right after I stop procrastinating on here of course 😯