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Law of Attraction: People seem to intentionally bump into me

Law of Attraction: People seem to intentionally bump into me2011-07-27T19:54:30+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Is It Just Me? Law of Attraction: People seem to intentionally bump into me

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    Post count: 14413

    In the me or ADD category, I’ve noticed for a long time that this happens to me a lot. I’ll be walking down a street or a mall and someone ahead of me is stopped, looking at a window or a sign. I can tell they’ve been stopped there a while. There’s no one else ahead of me, no one behind, but right as I get to them, they turn and start walking–right into me.

    It’s gotten to the point where I feel like I’m Truman in the Truman Show and the director is telling them to get in my way. They don’t look at me, the don’t see me, it’s like my presence turns their brains on (or off) and they activate just in time to get in my way. The really annoying part is that I’m 6’5″ and as slim as a barn. I’m not easily missed.

    Am I crazy? Is it just me?


    Post count: 14413

    You may be hyperaware of it. I have anxiety so i am very sensitive to people bumping into me. A crowd can be like a pac man or frogger game for me. I think other people have similar experiences but just don’t notice it so much.


    Post count: 14413

    I get almost the same experience. People bumping into me or stopping in front of me; go to the right? go to the left? a kind of little dance ’till either one of us gets the direction of the other right. Sometimes, when I see someone coming right at me and figure this little dance is about to happen again, I just close my eyes and wait for them to go away. If they decide to bump into me, so be it but I’m not playing the little dance game lol.

    And the frogger game? Yes, exactly how a crowd feels to me. You’ve found the correct expression sugargremlin!

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