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January 11, 2011 at 8:17 pm #96207
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 11, 2011 at 8:17 pmPost count: 14413trashman- you are definately not the only one at all, and you don’t seem remotely slow to me- think your IQ test is probably WAY off. its obvious that you’re smart from what you’ve written and how it reads- i can hear you saying it out loud, and it sounds like someone who has a decent brain in there is talking to me- they’re just finding it hard to get it all out in an organised way (and you know- getting thoughts and words sorted into writing IS bloody complicated stuff- even when all your wiring works perfectly!).
my old boss (one of the smartest guys i know) has dyslexia and all sorts of other stuff going on- often he couldn’t get a sentance strung together, he lost his train of thought all the time, he picked the wrong words a lot, or completely misunderstood what they meant -cos really, english makes no sense a lot of the time technically- he had all sorts of challenges.
but…. given the right support (talking computer programs, someone to type for him and decypher and spellcheck his typed/taped work) and strategies to deal with it, he does incredibly well- because his mind is very very quick, he’s spent his whole life working around brick walls- both practical ones, and ‘you can’t do this’ ones from other people). he’s not afraid of failure or looking stupid cos he got over caring about what other people thought of him years ago- so he does amazing big stuff without the fear, he’s honest, enthusiastic, humble, direct, himself, and a lot of people trust and respect him for it.
once you get everything going to help you along- practical support and financial support, plus an understanding of whats really going on inside for you, and get a good bit of confidence behind you, there is no reason why you can’t acheive JUST as much as (and probably much more than!) many other people do. you might just have to work out a slightly different path to get yourself to wherever you decide you’re going- and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 12, 2011 at 11:55 am #96208thank you all for your very kind words .itis hard but with all your kind words i keep trying, I find it funny that after meeting a lady at e.i she read my accesement i asked if the would help me get my GED she said no. she says i would not be able to pass. I find it funny that she can have that veiw about my abilities when that was one of the things i shoud do listed in my accesement.I wish they would tell people that when they are buying lotto tickets orcanada savings looks like the goverment trains thier people. in one way i can see there point because it also so said i have a unrelyuable memory . and visual spacual problems along with adhd . if you meet me i am very out going and up beat , it has been hard to ask for help to admit I am not normal, yet if we would all sit around joking and talking you would see how fast my brain moves. I always say when I retiere i am going to become a greeter at wallmart. Thanks Again for all the kind words and support. for me it would be easy if we had a fourum with live video and chat, just a thought or me being lazy, nontheless it would be easy for some owell just thinking out loud. have a great day . trashman
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 12, 2011 at 4:30 pm #96209
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 12, 2011 at 4:30 pmPost count: 14413Hey Trashman,
I agree with Jen! Do you know what to do if you don’t like the advice of a doctor? You got it! …get a second opinion I don’t know if you are an American but if you are the is something called the Americans with Disabilities Act or ADA and what that means for you is you can not be discriminated on for your disabilities! You have every right to get your GED. Not even even a trained Psychologist can say if you got what it takes or not. One told me I won’t do well in school, my first semester I made stright “A’s.” If you are not American I am sure there are similar laws that exist in other countries. Anyway the important thing is to know your rights I think it is safe to say we are not just offering “kind words” to you.You really do present yourself well. By the way, what the heck is normal? To me it sounds pretty boring… don’t you think?
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:20 am #96210
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:20 amPost count: 14413trashman if you can get properly assessed you might be able to get funding to buy a microphone that’ll change your speech into text for you- but then you’d never develop those typing skills any further.
you could quite possibly pass the GED- if you were allowed to use a voice recorder for lectures, and a scribe and a reader (people who do the reading and writing bits for you, you just tell them what to put) both for studying and for the exam- i know in the UK students with additional needs can get those provided for them if the right sorts of forms are filled in.
even if the GED isn’t right for you, there will still be some accreditations you can go for that show off the things you really shine at already- things like industry, skill set based, or trade qualifications matter just as much as school ones- if not more- in the real world.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 13, 2011 at 9:29 am #96211
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 13, 2011 at 9:29 amPost count: 14413Trashman,
Like I said get a “second opinion” I had a psychologist say that in his opinion I should not go back to school because I have ADHD; I went to another psychologist who just happened to have multiple sclorosis tell me go for it! I got treated for my ADHD and got special accomadations in school now I am doing very well BECAUSE of my ADHD.First step is to gather your documentation, then get a second opinion about getting your GED that is to say someone who will work with you, take legal action if you must. In America violation of the ADA is a crime just don’t take “no” for an answer, ultimately it is your self-esteem that is at stake, if a GED is what you want; good luck brother I have faith in you
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 13, 2011 at 11:38 am #96212thanks, for all the help .I tried getting a second opinon talked to a psycholgist the problem was that he said the wanted to see the report from my first test.. after that I was toald that it had been very complete. so he said there was nothing he could add ,until I had treatment for my thoughts of suiside. the did not tell me where to get help just to come pick up all my papers. I would love to buy a microphone that i could talk and and it would do the typing for me. these people are all very hard on a persons self eseem. O well I will just keep trying. I would like to say thank-you for all the help and suport.
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 14, 2011 at 11:58 am #96213
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 14, 2011 at 11:58 amPost count: 14413Trashman.
Don’t give up; what you need are accommodations to help you get your GED the issues are not your shortcomings; the issue is proving that you are willing to do whatever it takes to further your education and improve your self-esteem. Do what you can to go back and espress that desire. What are they going to say… you sre not entitied to higher self-esteem?
REPORT ABUSEJanuary 15, 2011 at 4:34 am #96214
AnonymousInactiveJanuary 15, 2011 at 4:34 amPost count: 14413^^^ true. its really easy to become submissive when you’re in a doctors office, but it helps me a lot if i remind myself that they work for ME, not the other way around. doctors are just like car mechanics for the body and mind- you’re in there to work out whats wrong with your vehicle, and get it tuned up and running to optium specs, and you’re paying them for that service, so get what you need out of it!
if they don’t tell you what you want to know, then open your mouth and ask! ask 6 different ways if you need to, then phone and leave a message asking, and call back later and bug the doctors secretary (nicely!) for his response. and so on. just do what you need to do, to get what you need to know!
write down (or get someone to write it for you, or doodle it- whatever works) a list of questions before you go in, if that’ll help- i always get flustered and go blank when im actually there, say ‘thankyouverymuchbye’ and then kick myself later when i remember the questions i had in my head on the way there. so for the last few years, i’ve gone armed with a list. even if i lose the ability to speak out of nervousness or upset, i can thrust the bit of paper at them and its all right there.
and definately find out about a disability advocates group near you. there are a lot of charities out there that just help people with stuff like being heard, getting support, etc. you need one of them on your case! go and interveiw a few prospective leads!