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Life after death

Life after death2011-02-05T14:16:32+00:00

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    Post count: 430

    Life after death… wow heavy subject…

    I was raised as a christian, and I still hold on to those beliefs that there is something after death and that God exists.

    Do we make our own heaven? Of course we do. By the choices we make here on earth determines what happens in the afterlife. I don’t believe we sit on our own cloud strumming harps. If I am wrong and that’s the case, I want no part of it because that would be my definition of #ell.

    Hey! Duh.. ADD here.

    Having said that, I am dealing with my own crisis of faith. I believe God does everything with a purpose and doesn’t make any mistakes, so why did he do this to me? Now that I am diagnosed with another condition, I haven’t been talking to God very much. I’m pretty mad at him for vexing me with what I believe to be an even more defective brain.

    I view this as the equivalent to a cosmic “kick me” sign on my back. Sorry. but I am not at a place where I see any advantages to having dyslexia and ADD. That is where I am right now. Maybe, when I start to learn how to use these conditions to my benefit, I will change my mind. My councilor and I will be working on that, I guess.


    Post count: 546

    shutterbug55, thanks for your input I have my own struggles. this is life as we no it .Iam having a hard time beleving that this great God has my best interest in mind , when , if it was not for my wife I would be homeless . all it is doing is making her mad . the thing is she has no respect left for me . so not that I can blame her . I have done some stupid things that we have to live with. my impulsive part of how I am is hard to live with , even for me and I am the problem . but I am in the process of trying to fix that by talking to her befor I do some thing that we do not need no part of. I have been rasied christian. the problem I am having know is if there is a God and he has my best interest in mind then why would he let me get to age 48 ,till he lets me figure out I have adhd and 4 or 5 learning disabilitys. if thats having my best interest in mind I would hate to see if he was unhappy with someone or some thing. To me thats a funny way to show you care , at that rate Iam better of on my own atleast when things go wrong I have no one to blame but MYSELF. thanks for letting me ventor rant what ever its called.

    I for the most part am starting to think we make our own luck it seams that the only luck I know how to change it.

    I have gone inthe last year from having a job I liked to gettin layed off to getting fierd twice. then to top that all off I find out that I have all these tings going on that I listed earlyer. so again who is looking out for who . answer no one till now, but i am trying to catch up.


    Post count: 14413


    You are not the problem. You have a problem. There are so many people who have the same problem. The problem is that if people really, really understood and supported people who have ADHD there we would be such an incredible asset to society. We struggle with what to most people seems like laziness and a lack of will power. You know and I know that this is not really our struggle.

    I have been my own worst enemy on so many occasions because of my impulsivity. It is the absolute worst part and most destructive part of ADHD.

    I understand your struggles. I have to go but I would like to add more later.



    Post count: 546

    thanks ADHDplus, you are right iwould just like to grab the ball and run with it. i would get tackeled pretty quik because i would not know where i was running to again i no same old ,same old.


    Post count: 14413

    BobL: Yes, that was meant for you. It is old and tired because I’ve heard it so many times, and it is so easily refuted. I was simply trying to point out that just because you *prefer* something doesn’t mean that that is how it will be. Hence the example of the bank account.

    I don’t see it as a choice. I see it as an intellectual responsibility. I insist on evidence of everything I accept ast true about this universe, so to reject that philosophy for only one area because I would <i>prefer</i> for it to be some other way would be intellectually dishonest. No amount of wishing will make something real. No matter how hard you believe in that dragon at the foot of your bed, it won’t materialise. You won’t get something just because you want it. It’s about accepting reality, and reality doesn’t work that way.

    I really don’t see how what happens after we die matters. We’re alive now – we should focus on living, and on doing it well. After all, this is the only life that we know for sure we’re going to get.


    Post count: 546

    I agree, why I asked was I was raised with alot of guilt because of what I was told growing up . just processing. thanks


    Post count: 14413

    “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not parish and have everlasting life” John 3:16 That is the good news. The difference with Christianity among all other beliefs is , If Jesus did not rise from the dead our faith would be in vain. In other words there would be no christianity. He was the only one in His story to make the claims that he did. He said he would die and rise again 3 days later The bible predicted his death and ressurection thousands of years ago He’s the only one who can save us from our sins and forgive us and forget all that we did wrong. ” Whom the son sets free is free indeed” “whoever calls upon the Lord shall be saved ‘ He came to us to save us he humbled himself and came in the form of a man to live amongst us. He loves us. Don’t be fooled you do have a choice for eternity in heaven with Jesus.Jesus said,” I go to prepare a place for you if it was not so i would have told you so.” Its simple to do just ask him into your heart and for the forgiveness of sins and ask him to be your lord and savior and he will come in and you will sense his presence either right away or over time as your life will change as you won’t want to do the things you used to do. then find a New International Bible from a Christian Book store and read the book of John and find someone you know that is a christian and go to church and your life will change guaranted. God Bless, Bob


    Post count: 546

    see this is where I have a lot of problems with this kind of talk. the people that teach you that all you have to do is spit out words from one of the gospels and people will believe. if that were true that would be wounderfull and easy. that is not how it is. in the real world. that is the kind of teaching that I was raised with and that is the kind of thinking I have a problem with. life is not the same for every one , if you think about it some people are smarter, some are stronger or weaker, richer oor poorer. this list can go on for ever. my problem is , how can people teach there children that they have to chose to follow god in a certain way or be damed? also if we are all loved the same yet every ones lot in life is not the same, how can every one have the same responsiability to there own salvation as suggested by the last post.

    one more thing if we have our strugles with adhd and life. then what about all the people suffering from aids or starvation or oppression and again the list goes on . my point is most religon has to do with one or more of this list that is fath, hope love or giving up your will to choose for one self. the sad thing is choosing one of these is really giving your choice away , then wondering why whoever you let someone choose for you that does not have your best intrest in mind.thanks again for all the insight . iam thinking one should really think about following a teaching where free chioce and free will are given up. this is how it seems to be with most religions. my point is every ones lot in life is not the same. how can are eterity be based on the same set of rules or principals. with that thinking I am not feeling the love or feeling very secure in the whole concept of eternity.


    Post count: 14413

    Although I am Buddhist I have many family members who are Christian. I respect them and thier choices as they respect my choice. My Aunt is a nun and we have great conversations about religion with the understanding that she prays her way and I pray my way.

    Trashman I really see what you are saying. It is my perspective that this is where faith comes in. Faith is believing in something even if you still have questions. Ultimately, many religions do all start with the same foundation of: love, compassion, and peace.


    Post count: 913

    >>I believe strongly in reincarnation and karma.<<

    reincarnation is when you come back as a flower, right?

    reincarceration is when you come back as a living animal…………

    karma is something I put on apples, sweet and sticky. (John Lennon used the instant variety)

    There are so many schools of thought, and “evidence” to support many of them……..

    one is that humans are hard-wired by nature to believe in a superior being, and an after-life as a means of protecting the species from self-destruction (the human species being among the only that is capable of such a thing)

    So if you believe in an infinite and powerful being that can’t be bargained with, and who tasks you to do “the right thing” then you are more likely to do the right thing. So in essence, some science believes religion and a god are wired into us to “make us behave”.

    Frankly, personally, there’s no one thing that suites me – I believe they are all wrong, and all right all at once. No one religion, or science, has the correct answer, the truth is in between, with a bit of each being correct.

    (a simplistic example – you can’t know my cats as I know my cats, and sit back and believe it’s all by accident that they do what they do, and that Yawnie begs for human interaction, is quite emotional, and that Punkin strives to please, and Shadow knows he’s adorable and acts accordingly.

    Too many mysteries to chalk it all up to chance, then again, humans are not capable of understanding or realizing the truth while alive.


    Post count: 14413

    “Too many mysteries to chalk it all up to chance, then again, humans are not capable of understanding or realizing the truth while alive”

    I agree with this 100 percent


    Post count: 546

    I think I must agree 100% with the two of you. thanks for all the insight. I will stop trying to wrap my little adhd brain around this really big , unknown topic. thanks for all the replys I found them all very helpfull.

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