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Looks like a very useful product

Looks like a very useful product2014-05-05T14:13:51+00:00

The Forums Forums Tools, Techniques & Treatments Organizing & De-Cluttering Looks like a very useful product

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  • #125082

    Post count: 10

    I could use some of these tags to keep track of my phone, keys, and purse!

    I get email alerts a lot about tech projects that people are trying to raise funds for. I just found out about this project today, and have clipped it to my Evernote notebook so I can think about it for a bit before making an impulse buy (which is way too easy for me). But I thought I would share since other here might be interested in knowing about it. Especially anyone who, like me, has to search for around for keys all the time before driving anywhere.



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