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Medication suggestions wanted that work for yours and mine brand ADHD

Medication suggestions wanted that work for yours and mine brand ADHD2011-02-11T13:21:05+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Medication suggestions wanted that work for yours and mine brand ADHD

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    Post count: 14413

    Seeing health care prof to seek meds for ADHD. I have resisted the med asistance route (as I had been previously trained psyche meds for any reason are bad). I have been professionally diagnosed and had psych/neuro test to confirm the diagnosis.. Ok all here this is where you come in! been keeping journal etc… Yep I experience the almost continuous fuzzy, mumbling daydreaming running thoughts in my brain thing especially when not stimulated but even still there when stimulated just less distracting . These distractions really dont blurt out as they are mostly an annoyance just enough to surpress tasks at hand and make what I feel should be simple and second nature extremely difficult….

    I have minor anxiety and anger bursts but they are mostly caused by my frustrations and inability to remember to do things I was supposed to which led me to …..I have a difficult time being able to concentrate and focus and when I finally learn or experience something new my short term retention abilities are poor to say the least I think because of the day dreaming and other trivial distractions going on in my noggin (continuous little pistachio nut shells crunching cauz the blue tick floppy eared hound is drooling and howling at Dinozo (of NCIS fame) because I cannot find my laptop power cord). I have pretty good control on the physical hypernous but not being able to work because of injury it is increasing some anxiety and self esteem issues although walking and hiking is a next step for me to get out and free the dusty cob webs in my mind before and after surgery.

    Do any of you have similar issues as I describe…. I have had aquaintences with some really hyper and verbose and even more scattered persons than I … I am not sure if I am being politically correct but I am looking for a “crutch drug”………….. something that will not make me that zombie kinda guy but with the holistic approach described in the “tottalyadd.com videos” help me deal with the everyday challeges of life. I need help with short term forgetful and concentration issues most that seem to feed my other secondary issues such as impullsiveness and anxiety situations. Again I think that are caused by my wandering and distracted mind.

    Any suggestions and comments on the meds you are taking? I am very open minded… please again! share. If you have similar symptons and have had success with your medications please I need information. I want unbiassed info here Yes I know all of our bodies are not exactly the same and we all might have posible side effects but I wanna here success stories………… even if after great trial and tribulations…..


    Post count: 31

    Take a look at my post “Strattera Strategy” for my three weeks on strattera.

    If you haven’t already take the ADD test on this site and go to amenclinics.com and take the brain test, it is a great way to get a first look at your brain/personality.

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