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Meds in the Media

Meds in the Media2010-12-05T23:39:35+00:00

The Forums Forums Medication Meds in the Media

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    Post count: 14413

    It’s a shame how the media, at least as I’m discovering on the Internet, misleads individuals seeking advice on health issues. Today I just started to look at current research related to medication and ADHD and very quickly fell upon mixed viewpoints. It was worth it, though, as I found this site : )

    I’m just going through diagnosis but am pretty sure I’ll be in the ADD camp.

    I know from the research presented in the PBS documentary that some feel ADHD meds are less risky than aspirin.

    Why do so many people still express the viewpoint/myth that meds are such a dangerous route to take?

    I know this is an article from 2006 but listen to the language. Things like:

    “Families and doctors need to be alerted to the risks, Nissen said.

    “I want the physician’s hand to tremble a little bit before they write the prescription for the drug.”

    Benefits often outweigh risks, ADHD expert says”

    Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/03/22/adhd-warnings060322.html#ixzz17HcCRrg0


    …and listen to this outlandish language from a pro-pot advocate,

    “”Ritalin is an amphetamine – we have all of these youngsters running around on speed,” said Keith Stroup, spokesman for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

    “Although it flies in the face of conventional wisdom, it’s nevertheless true that cannabis is far safer and more effective than the prescription agents currently advocated for treatment of ADD-ADHD,” O’Connell said.”


    It seems like the internet can be such a misleading tool. A person goes for some legitimate research and instantly gets bogged down with conflicting information.


    Post count: 14413

    But in reality, what we want is for all of us to be better consumers. Ask questions.


    I think consumers have a right to have accurate unbiased data. That’s not easy when everyone seems to have their own personal interests in mind. I hope that you see us as unbiased here at totallyadd.com. We ask the questions you want information on. Just check out Rick’s Rants. He says things that we all want to say. Or check out our blogs.


    Post count: 14413

    Dr. J, yes, that’s worthwhile viewing. Thanks for the link!

    I have been totally impressed with your website and the PBS documentary of ADD And Loving It.

    I’m already pointing others to it and have finally gotten excited about trying some treatment myself.



    Post count: 14413

    I was online again and am just floored by how shamelessly this guy is selling his idea that ADHD meds are among the most dangerous…even stunting kids growth!!!!


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