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February 9, 2013 at 9:58 am #118920
Has anyone heard tell of any success with this?
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 9, 2013 at 2:36 pm #118924The whole concept of detoxes and cleansing is a complete FRAUD.
There is no scientific evidence whatsoever of the need for, or effectiveness of, the sort of “detox” or “cleansing” that the quacks are selling. In fact, those aggressive purges can be extremely dangerous to your health.
If you are tested by a legitimate medical doctor (NOT a naturopath or chiropractor or homeopath), and found to have high levels of certain metals or other elements in your system, there is a proper medical procedure to get them out. This is nothing like the sort of “detox” that is being sold by naturopaths, chiropractors, homeopaths, and the weird-looking guys on infomercials.
There are some places that are selling foot bath procedures or “detox pads” that are claimed to “suck the heavy metal toxins out through the soles of your feet”. These are a complete FRAUD.
The way the foot bath procedure works is, the “therapist” fills a special basin device with water, adds some special “detox herbs”, tells you to put your bare feet into it, and then turns on a mild electric current. Lo and behold, the water soon turns brown and sludgy. The “therapist” tells you that the sludge is all the toxins that were sucked out through the soles of your feet.
What really happens is, the “herbs” that the “therapist” puts into the water contain iron salts. When you apply an electric current to iron salts, they rust, turning the water a sludgy brown. So the “toxins” you see are actually the rusted iron salts in the “herbs” themselves.
Similarly, the “detox pads” that “suck the heavy metal toxins out through your feet”, are essentially just teabags that contain a mixture of foul-smelling powders. When you stick them to your feet and go to bed, your feet sweat, and the sweat mixes with the powders in the pads, forming foul-smelling brown sludge. So, once again, the “toxins” are actually in the “detoxifier” itself.
These frauds were thoroughly tested and completely debunked by several sources, including ABC’s “20/20”, which tested a sample group of people who were chosen after being tested for all known heavy metals, using the approved scientific method.
Thus, the test group for the pads and the foot bath consisted of a mix of people with either no, or abnormally high, levels of heavy metals in their bodies.
After using the pads or the bath, the results for ALL of the subjects were identical. Although they all ended up with plenty of brown sludge, the sludge was tested and found to contain only the ingredients that were in the pads or the “herbs” themselves.
This is no surprise, because there is absolutely no possible way for toxins to be sucked out through the feet.
It’s all about misdirection & misrepresentation—two of the tricks used by fraudsters and magicians. The difference is, fraudsters do it to rob people; magicians do it to entertain people.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 10, 2013 at 9:22 pm #118940larynxa, though i usually enjoy reading your comments, this time you have really upset me, and i feel the need to “speak up”.
perpetuating the stereotypes that all chiropractors (or homeopaths or naturopaths) are “quacks” or “fraudsters” is just wrong, and being lumped in with “the weird looking guys in infomercials” is personally offensive.
how about all actresses are airheads and sexually promiscuous, or people in theatre are flakes? accountants are boring, fast food workers are stupid, construction workers are crude? programmers are nerds, politicians philanderers, police are corrupt, factory workers are lazy, ….how do you feel about those? how about adders are lazy or stupid or just making excuses for bad behavior? i don’t like those either!
as a chiropractor, i am a physician licensed to practice in the state of california (you know – the state with all the fruits and nuts), to diagnose and treat patients, with a scope of practice that includes ordering and interpreting diagnostic studies such as blood,urine,and stool analysis as well as the more typical imaging and neurodiagnostic studies, and many more less typical studies. additionally, i have taken post-grad classes to further my knowledge and training in a number of subjects, including nutrition. in fact, i am about to start a practice that focuses on “science based nutrition”, utilizing extensive lab testing and analysis (including looking for evidence of heavy metal toxicity) to make recommendations for nutrtional supplements and lifestyle changes in an effort to improve health, function, and quality of life for people. i’m planning on being my own first patient with this program, and will also be doing testing on my son (who has signs of add, on top of being “on the spectrum” with aut), but hope to help many, many people achieve significant positive changes in their overall health and vitality.
when reading your posts, i usually find you strike me as being very bright and well educated, but this last post painted quite the opposite picture. i believe my original assumptions are still true, so wtf? what’s behind all the hate(or perhaps just lack of respect?) larynxa?
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 11, 2013 at 1:30 pm #118947Not ALL chiropractors. Only those who use questionable claims and junk “science” to promote “cures” which have no grounding in actual medical science.
Since I was 8, I’ve been using chiropractors to help with my joint & muscle problems. When your feet are completely flat, they throw everything else out of alignment, which leaves you in constant pain. So, you need frequent visits to someone who can restore that alignment, if only for a week or two.
When we found a chiropractor who could do this well, we’d stay with him/her until they retired, and then had to start the search again.
During these searches, we often encountered chiropractors who’d make all sorts of outlandish claims, about heavy metals, etc., and promoted long & very expensive programs to treat this.
My parents have always checked things out thoroughly, so we began researching the matter, and soon learned the truth behind those outlandish claims. And it disgusted us that these charlatans were using these claims to defraud people.
For the past few years, we had an excellent chiropractor. But then, he got into deep financial trouble, and he began making the same outlandish claims, trying to sell us the expensive “diagnostic testing” and “treatments” as the charlatans had.
Disgusted that he’d do this (and that he assumed we were foolish enough to fall for it), we stopped seeing him and are now, again, searching for a new chiropractor. We feel deeply betrayed that the care-giver we trusted for so long, would become so unscrupulous that he would try to defraud the people who come to him for help.
Chiropractic care is supposed to be about bones and muscles. It is NOT about detoxes and heavy metals and herbal cures. That’s a different field. It is also NOT about using tricks like pushing down on different parts of a person’s arms, to show how the treatment has “restored your centre of gravity”. I know the tricks now, and I won’t fall for them again.It’s those bad apples (especially the most recent one) who have given the chiropractic profession a bad name.
It sounds to me like you’re one of the GOOD ones.
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 13, 2013 at 7:24 am #119001…Anyone else have an opinion?
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 13, 2013 at 7:20 pm #119011On the topic, which is metal toxicity, I have had chelation therapy, both oral and intravenous, to remove heavy metals. I’ve also had my mercury fillings removed to be safe. For years, there was no explanation for my being lethargic, so I had to think outside of the box and treat things that were in the range of “possible” causes. I certainly don’t regret having my mercury fillings removed, and I don’t regret having the detox treatments. Last year, I received HBOT treatment for another reason, and the technicians were amazed that my sweat around the oxygen collar was not yellow. They said the yellow sweat that virtually everyone produces in different degrees of darkness (except me) is due to the release of toxins, as the high levels of 100% oxygen create a detox for the body. In 40 treatments I never sweated yellow, but all the other people who were doing HBOT with me did produce that yellow sweat. I chalked it up to all the detox I had already done, especially the intravenous chelation! 🙂 Do your research and you will find the right path for you. – Jon
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 14, 2013 at 9:09 am #119014Did you notice any difference after the metal detox?
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 16, 2013 at 2:55 am #119056Thanks for telling us the whole story Larynxa, aka “country gal” 😀 I’m glad you were lucky enough to find a decent chiropractor at least for a short time.
I’ve got a really close friend who is a chiropractor, he’s retired and he helped me a lot even after his retirement. It didn’t cost me any money either. Great dude!… he worked on my shoulder with the two torn tendons.
I was able to avoid some minor surgery. It’s likely that the combination of a little bit of adjustment to my neck, along with a lot of the exercised prescribed by my doctor. As well as specific exercises called for by the chiropractor, and of course my faith in the good ol “placebo effect”, it may have been the “placebo affect” I can never tell the difference to be honest! get it?.
I’m super tired, but I talked a lil bit about a conversation I had with my pharmacist about the placebo thing on another thread, I’ll get back to it there. I know this. It’s either an effect, or an affect. One, or the Other. Not both.
I must sleep now. Going to see a sick friend in the hospital in morning. Found out he’s got cancer today. Been visiting my friend for a very long time. He’s 83… this is painful stuff. It’s not like me to be really close to anyone at all. Let alone be close to someone when they’re dyeing in a hospital. Fortunately the doctor said he’s got 6 months to live.
He’s a man of great faith. The placebo thing. (affect/effect…) seems to work much better with folks who are capable of great faith. It is the case with me.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>start<FICTION ALLERT< My doctor recently confessed (remember this part of my post is fictional. I don’t usually do this fiction thing… so bear with me. Or bare with me, you choose) The doc said “all that thyroid medicine we’ve been giving you, well guess what? It’s sugar pills!!! tricked ya man!!!” >FICTION ALLERT<end>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This fictional statement has been brought to you by. Radioactive isotopes. When you need to really see what a patients liver looks like… it’s Radioactive Isotopes to the rescue!!I’ve got a regular horror story about radioactive isotopes… I’ll share it with you guys one of these days… don’t hold yer breath though.
When I’m less sleepy, I hope to remember to talk more about this mysterious placebo theory. Stay tuned.
Same bat channel, Same bat place.
Same_-_bat shit crazy maniac!_-_ Here at T0tally Bashit craxyADD .com
R-February 16, 2013 at 3:03 am #119057What’s your experience Mr. “SugarShane”? how about tellin us a lil about you?
We’re curious. Got heavy metals? know how we can get rid of them? Got any snake oils? lol. We like to joke around some. So I hope you can roll with the punches.
If you want some directions about how to roll with punches. Well it’s pretty easy my friend. Just reach around n grab hold of your legs with both arms, bring em in nice n tight. Then lean foreword.
Dat’s it man!
That’s how we roll.
Very easily, (that’s how we roll).
(VERY EASILY, THAT’S HOW WE ROLL) what do you want? shall I draw you a dang picture?
REPORT ABUSEFebruary 16, 2013 at 11:58 am #119064It’s a funny thing about amalgam fillings. I had loads of them put in, until I was about 15, when white fillings became the standard.
Over time, my old fillings were gradually replaced with white fillings. This was due ENTIRELY to either the filling popping out, or due to a chunk of the tooth breaking off, or due to a new cavity. I haven’t had a single amalgam filling left, for about 20 years.
But, when I look back at my life, my mood, functioning, and health were WAY better when my mouth was full of amalgam fillings. This appears to disprove the questionable claims about “mercury in amalgam fillings” being a health issue. I say “appears” because I’m just one person, and I’m only going by my own observation.
In fact, REAL medical science, involving the American Dental Association, complete with huge groups of test subjects, random sample sizes, and double-blind studies, has PROVEN that amalgam fillings ARE safe…except perhaps for the dentists and dental technicians, who had much longer exposure to much higher amounts of the material, than any patient would ever have.
There are some highly reliable sources of information regarding alternative and homeopathic treatments. Here’s what just two of them have to say about the issue of amalgam fillings: – This one is especially interesting, because it details exactly how a TV show shamelessly rigged its tests to “prove” its hypothesis that amalgam fillings are “Poison In Your Mouth”. – This one also looks at the issue of scaremongering about mercury in vaccines.
As Rick demonstrated in this video (, you need to look at the ENTIRE original text of the source that’s being quoted to support the claims. And the more outrageous and expensive the claims (“You’ve got to replace all those fillings, because they’re poisoning you and rotting your brain! That’ll be $25,000, please.”), the more you have to question them. Because anyone can cherry-pick just the bits that support the claims they’re making. Especially if there’s lots of money to be made by doing so.
The bigger the claim, the higher the degree of proof that is needed.