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Motivation on Vyvanse?

Motivation on Vyvanse?2012-11-30T00:20:17+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Hi, just found this site and I must say, it looks fantastic. I was diagnosed with ADHD 4 years ago at the age of 12, and after a year of being on various dosages of Strattera with no real help, I got bumped up to 30mg of Vyvanse. Since then, I’ve gradually gone up in dosages to where I am now, 60mg of Vyvanse daily. Vyvanse really changed my life and allowed me to do so many things(ie-first week I took it, I folded a full basket of laundry without getting distracted and walking away, and I was amazed).

    However, it seems as if I’ve built up a tolerance faster with each increasing dose. I would like to go up to 70mg(although I don’t know how much of a difference that extra 16% will make), but my mother is against medication. She has never liked the idea of it, and she feels as if it can all be fixed with the right mindset, and she feels as if I’m using the medication as a “crutch”(my mother is an extremely self-motivated person, and can’t relate to it). My biggest problem is doing things. I’m in my junior year in high school, I’ve got Dual Credit classes for most of my classes, but this year it’s as if I feel no reason to do anything. I push all my homework off to the last minute, and then when it comes time to do it I decide not to. I’ve tried lists, reminders, and everything, but when it comes time to do it I just don’t care.

    On days that I have things that HAVE to get done, I take two of my 60mg pills. I feel amazing, I get so much stuff done, completely in control with no brain fog or lack of motivation. I go out of my way to catch up on work and I feel like I can actually handle all of my activities(I’m involved in a ton of things). I’ve talked to my mother about trying to switch over to Adderall or possibly getting a booster, but she just gets upset and thinks I’m a junkie. Is there anything you guys suggest I do to change her mind, or is there anything I can do to care about my life more? I know it sounds stupid, but 90% of the time, I don’t. Thanks so much!


    Post count: 845

    Welcome to the site and congratulations on:

    Getting diagnosed at an early age

    Getting medication to help

    Having the brains and snap to get into dual credit courses (hang in there and do the work of which you are capable)

    And know that you are as welcome as slop in a pigpen here. We like getting new members here and hope you will keep us updated on you situation. This is the only site I have gotten on, but apparently from comments from others, it’s the best.

    Don’t get too upset with you mom for not understanding. Such seems to be the norm. Her reluctance to your using drugs is understandable and I would say is due to her lack of understanding of their function and of ADHD. If you haven’t already, get some books about ADHD such as Delivered from Distraction or You mean I’m not Lazy, Crazy or Stupid. Educating yourself and developing strategies for living with ADHD. It seems like the Vyvanse is losing its effectiveness so another drug might work better. That’s between you and your doctor.

    Perhaps if your mother can recall how you were before you started on ADHD meds and how you are now (hopefully a big improvement) she will agree that they are a benefit to be continued.


    Post count: 1096

    Hi Hayden – welcome to the site. KC’s right – sounds like you’re a ‘together guy’ with a good brain which is a bonus in this game. The best way to deal with your Mom is to educate her calmly. Get her to watch the videos on this site and read the books KC suggested.

    Anyway, you’re on meds that help – or did. I know what you mean about needing higher doses. I find if I have breaks from taking them that helps with their effectiveness when I do.

    What’s more worrying is you not caring – motivation is the big issue with ADHD (at least in my experience). Somehow you need to get the adrenalin going about your school work and that might include having some ambition for your future. Education is the way forward and the key to getting you a good life with options so it’s worth sticking at.

    I have big problems with getting stuff done and struggle. Recently at work I had a big task to do with a deadline of last week. I should have been working on it gradually for months – my bosses have been nagging at me for months about progress on it but I left it until last the couple of weeks to start. The adrenalin kicked in last week (actually it was panic) and I worked on it solidly all last week.

    The point is I got up on a morning and worked on it all day – with focus – for days. Normally I could never have done that – so I feel I got a taste of how I ought to be functioning. I didn’t take my meds during that week either – I didn’t need them. Panic and adrenalin worked better. My brain was clear and the lateral thinking helped with this particular task. I lose that a bit with my medication.

    I got the task done – but it was to the wire and I am annoyed because if I had started it earlier I would have had time to have proof read it!

    So I am a firm believer in what Barkley says about ADHD being a motivational problem. This last week seemed to clarify that for me.

    So how can we replicate that kind of motivation normally? I don’t know but I wish I did. For me that deadline had to be real and the consequences of failing, frightening.

    If you can stay motivated with your school work you’ll have a great future. Work out what you want and try to use that as a motivator. Yep – I know it’s not easy!

    When I am not stupidly stressed I find the meds work subtly to keep me going – I notice that more when I don’t take them. So for ‘normal’ work situations, I remind myself frequently what I am meant to be doing so I can try to stay in the present and get a task done.

    Let us know how things go.

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