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Music for the soul

Music for the soul2011-01-22T00:16:14+00:00

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    Post count: 14413

    Today I had the last session with my coach (to help me with anxiety at work). I’ve been anxious about that ’cause I’m glad it’s over and yet I’ll miss my coach! I guess you get to love people who helps you, psychics, coaches, and all. But I really clicked with her.

    I started the day thinking about it when, on my way to work, I started listening to my David Bowie album. WOW!!!! I could not go pass the first song; Space Oddity! Nearly every word of that song is me today! I’m off, on my own now. The countdown has begun. I got the best advice and lots of it. Now ‘it’s time to leave the capsule if you dare’. ‘I’m floating in a most peculiar way’… that song made me feel elated! Now I’m alone with it all and there’s nothing I can do (but deal with it). But ‘I think my spaceship knows which way to go’. I felt as if my coach was worried to let me on my own… she knows I’m not ready ‘Ground control to Major Tom; Your circuit’s dead, there’s something wrong’.

    Wow!!! I’m still listening to it right now. The feeling I get from it is amazing!


    Post count: 14413

    I just realised why I can’t stop myself from listening to Space oddity over and over again; I’ve unknowingly turned it into an anchor! Before first listening to it, I had been thinking a lot about the people who care for me, my coach and an employee where I work, in human ressources. And having people as caring and concerned for me brought me into a feeling I rarely experienced before. Earing the song which suited my situation so well, with that feeling in me… it got anchored!

    So just to say, music can be used as an anchor. To kinda secure a very strong and positive feeling to a song. Then everytime you listen to it, you get back automatically into that extraordinary zone again! You can find more info about anchoring on any site that speaks of Neuro Psychological Programming. Which is fascinating by the way.

    I think my anchor is beginning to fade though. I’ve been listening to it to often. I don’t ear it anymore, it just flies by while I zone out! :-(

    By the way… I think those two persons read me! Looks, things said that are too coincidental too often… Hi there! Busted? If I’m right, I really love you guys but stop concerning yourself about little old crazy me ha ha ha! ;-)


    Post count: 14413


    It is a great feeling when you find something beit art, music, literature, et cetera that connects with you I understand how that feels with me it was the theme song to 2001 A Space Odessey very liberating.



    Post count: 14413

    Moka, I love analogies. You’re analogy of the anchor is great! Music has been a long time constant in my life, but I never thought about it as an anchor. It really is for me!

    Thanks for that. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m probably going to plagiarize it quite a bit! ;-)


    Post count: 14413

    Hey everyone! An anchor is more than just an analogy. It’s a real Neuro-Linguistic Programming tool. It’s a technique used to associate a very positive feeling to something. Usually a body part. As an example, you get yourself into that feeling and then you touch… say your wrist. You disconnect before it gets too strong I think. Then you do it again until the feeling is anchored. Once it is, everytime you’ll touch your wrist you’ll automatically be overwhelmed by the feeling. That’s all explained better on any site, as I mentionned earlier, about NLP (I made an error in my earlier post, it’s Neuro-Linguistic Programming). It’s used to help with depression, anxiety,… that’s how I got to know about it.

    But with Space oddity, it really happened on its own without me realising it. I guess with the feeling and the song suiting me so well right now, and particularly that morning…. it was all strong enough to happen at once. Or maybe it happens quicker with a song. I don’t know.

    It is true though, the analogy between my life right now and that song. I’m still amazed by it! Hey, MrXxx, plagiarize all you want! Your welcome to my song :-) I guess it fits all ADDers… Ground control to Major Tom ( Yo space cadet get back down to earth) ha ha ha :-)

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