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My ADDvice – Why Can't I Take My Own Advice!?!

My ADDvice – Why Can't I Take My Own Advice!?!2015-01-18T18:23:15+00:00

The Forums Forums Emotional Journey Venting! My ADDvice – Why Can't I Take My Own Advice!?!

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    Post count: 18

    All my life, people have come to me for advice.  I’m seen as the practical one, the problem solver, the rational one, the leader.  So why can’t I take my OWN advice?  When I’ve laid out a perfectly good plan of success for myself, why can’t I follow it?  ARGH!!!  🙁

    I’m trying to find an ADD Coach (so that I can be the advisee instead of the advisor), but no luck yet. (sigh)

    Well, thanks for letting me vent, folks.  Much appreciated.  And yes, I’m very open to advice from my new ADD/ADHD friends.  🙂


    Post count: 20

    Have you seen the list of coaches on this site?



    Post count: 18

    Hi Cassatt!  Yes, I have and even contacted one, but no response yet.  I find many have really high rates so I’m hoping to find one that’s willing to do some pro-bono work.  I’m also reviewing some of the videos/webinars on this site, and checking other ADD sites.

    Are there other resources that folks have found helpful when it comes to developing a plan, sticking to it, and meeting timelines/deadlines? 🙂


    Post count: 1096

    Maybe the coach you contacted has ADD. They probably meant to get back to you but haven’t quite managed it yet, but it’ll be on their to do list, so they’ll contact you when they find it and then remember to read it and then act on it, so no worries. 🙂

    Or they do not have ADD but are assuming that you will forget that you contacted them so they don’t feel the need to respond. 🙂

    Or something horrible has delayed their reply and I’ll feel bad forever for making fun of them. 🙁




    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    It’s like Alice in Wonderland, isn’t it?

    “I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.”

    That’s why the best Coaches have their own Coaches, because knowing what to do, and actually doing it, are two different things…as we learned in the last webinar.

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