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My first month on ritalin

My first month on ritalin2014-07-15T20:31:56+00:00

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    I haven’t been officially diagnosed with ADD, but my psychiatrist seems to think that I do and that Ritalin would be the best medication to help with severe ruminating issues I was having that was causing a lot of anxiety. It’s becoming know that I’ve had general anxiety disorder all my life, but the doctor seems to think it is caused by ADD.

    He only put me on 10mg twice a day which helped immediately with the rumination and anxiety, but have noticed that rumination and anxiety returns after 4 hours after taking the pill. So if I take one in the morning around 8a.m by lunch it is wearing off and I don’t take another one till about 4p.m so around 8p.m it returns. Now it doesn’t return near as bad as it did before I started the medication, but it still does and I believe that I should be taking another 10mg in between so 10mg three times a day. Have to wait 3 months for my psychiatrist who travels here every 3 months as we have limited psychiatrist here.

    After the 4 hours I feel foggy minded and headaches. Anyone have any experience with dealing with this.




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    Likely your doctor has prescribed instant release Ritalin.  I was diagnosed 2 & 1/2 yrs ago and my Dr. initially tried the same approach but later modified my treatment. My ADD is on the severe end of the spectrum and what ended up working  better for me was a combination of time release and instant release Ritalin. The time release seems to provide a constant throughout the day  and the instant release supplements for more focus.

    Usually a Dr. encourages their patients to contact him/her if  necessary.  If you contact this Dr. or staff and convey your experience then hopefully an Rx change can be initiated. If you are specific about how you benefit from the Rx then notice it wears off then that will provide concrete info for them to act and may allow them to better assist you now rather than wait another two months.

    Several weeks is usually plenty of time to get a feel for an Rx like Ritalin and based on what you have written it seems you have a grasp on your observations and experiences.

    I am no expert but simply offering thoughts based on my history and experiences.  A good Psychiatrist welcomes open honest communication about how the treatment is working so that they can hone in on understanding your needs and treating you as effectively as possible.

    This can be a  frustrating process but it sounds fairly routine and smooth so far.  It is important to strictly adhere to Rx directions and dosage.  You Dr. cannot call in another Rx but will have to write a paper script which you will probably have to pick up at office.  A bit more complicated because of the classification of the drug but necessary to control it.

    BTW: Time release is more expensive and price fluctuates  ( I saw it triple already) but should not have much of an impact on you if you have insurance.




    Post count: 5

    Thank you so much for your reply. I seen the family doctor today and he is reluctant as I am also regarding changing doses without the psychiatrist being involved. I might just have to wait for him after all. I’m pretty sure I can make do till than. I tried to get him to at least give me the 10mg 3 times a day but he wouldn’t do that either.

    I’m wondering about other options too like aderall. I have a feeling some days the ritalin is responsible for my anxiety. I don’t get anxiety attacks, but just that initial feeling of something happening even though I may just be biking or walking calmly with no reason to be anxious. It’s not a fun feeling when it goes on for half the day.

    I have this problem that I’ve had my whole life, but it seems to be more tame on ritalin where I over think feelings, ideas, thoughts, or events. Just seem to over think everything. This if not caught on time spirals out of control. I do thought defusing meditation that does help during the meditation, but throughout the day thoughts are not easily defused from intense sensitive feelings. But again the ritalin has helped with this tremendously.

    So I guess I wonder if there are options that might have less anxiety type affects to them. My hope is to take meds for at least a year, but I want to implement strategies into my life that will now deal with the ADD now that I know it’s what I’m dealing with. I was living a life that was not helping my ADD only making it worse and causing frustration in my life. Now I feel in time I could learn to work with it and find success.

    I’m the type of person that takes everything serious, sometimes too serious. So I am daily doing things trying to make sure it helps rather than hinders change. I exercise, play sports, meditation daily and eat healthy. Problem is I take this too serious sometimes to the point that I over think everything I eat or do. I guess you can say I hyperfocus on my disorder (ADD/Anxiety/Depression) to the point that I don’t allow myself to accept, feel, and let go. I live inside the disorder and it’s not fun being there.

    Again than you so much for your reply. Appreciate it.


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