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My mind is like a google map!

My mind is like a google map!2011-08-19T21:00:30+00:00

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    Post count: 53

    Does anyone relate to this?

    I was just trying to explain what it is like in my brain and this was the best analogy I could think of…

    It’s like my whole mind is a google map with lots of points/locations on it and as I am intelligent and do have a lot of knowledge I still fell like a complete useless idiot at times!

    I have no control over which points it focuses on or how much it zooms in our out on each point, also the points are all spread out and in no particular order which makes them hard to locate, some points you can’t even close enough to figure out what they say or how to get there and others are so clear and vivid that pathways to get there are so clear that it’s easy to get to them and once you do you stay there and can’t get to any other points no matter how much you move your mouse! It’s like when you are on these points you are stuck and the screen is just focused on that one point and all the other points are blurry. These points are always there but the system will sometimes bypass certain points and cannot find them no matter how much you move the mouse! By the end of the day the mouse is almost broken it’s so used up and the map is aching and all those points are still there where they always are but only some have been found/attended to and others that you had to find and zoom in on were left untouched. Yet again

    This is the frustration that is my map!

    So am I a total whackadoodle or does anyone relate?


    Post count: 802

    I think that’s a genius description and I totally relate to it.

    My only gripe is that I was just about to leave the site to do something else that I thought was really important and now I’ve read it I have no clue what I wanted to do a couple of minutes ago!


    Post count: 303

    Yup, total whackadoodle. Fortunately, so am I and so are plenty of other people on here. LOL!

    I drive myself bananas (and everyone around me)!!! For example, I’ll try to talk about something, but my brain shoots ahead to something else, so I just lose focus on what I’m trying to say, then start talking about the other thing. An hour later, I might remember, then track down the person to whom I was originally speaking, and try to drag them back in to the conversation, then start the whole process over and over and over. There’s just too much going on upstairs and not enough focus.

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