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My mom is finally going to get tested for ADHD!!!

My mom is finally going to get tested for ADHD!!!2013-06-14T16:08:53+00:00

The Forums Forums For The Non-ADD It Runs In Families My mom is finally going to get tested for ADHD!!!

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    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    My mom (aged 75) just had her annual appointment at the memory clinic at Baycrest.  She’s lived in terror of inheriting Alzheimer’s, for many years now, so this is always a very stressful, yet necessary appointment for her.

    After conducting several tests, the doctor told her conclusively that there is absolutely no sign of Alzheimer’s or senile dementia in her…just as he’s always concluded at her previous appointments.

    She began to protest, rhyming off all of her scatterbrained tendencies, forgetfulness, confusion, overwhelm, etc.

    Dad was at the appointment too, and this was his cue to raise the question of ADHD.  I’m certain that he and Mom brought up a lot of the points I’ve been discussing with them, since I’ve been learning about it—because this time, there is progress!

    The doctor has just referred Mom for diagnostic testing for ADHD!

    This being Canada, god knows how long she’ll have to wait to see the psychiatrist who will do the testing.  She could have it done at the same ADHD clinic that I go to, but it wouldn’t be covered by OHIP, and Dad would rather wait and get it covered, than fork out the $1600 to get it done fast.

    Still, if she is diagnosed with ADHD (more like, when), she may well end up going to the same clinic as I do for treatment.  This will make record-keeping interesting for the clinic, because Mom and I have the same first, middle, and last names (though I have an extra middle name).


    Post count: 845

    You could be junior and she could be senior.

    She could refer to you as “mini-me” when at the clinic.


    Post count: 1096

    That’s great – at least it might put her mind at rest about senility which must be the ultimate worry.

    mini-me ….that’s going to stick now!




    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    @Kc5jck, my dad and my brother also share identical first, middle, and last names (with an extra middle name for my brother). So, it’s always been, “Big _____ or Little _____ ?” times two.


    Patte Rosebank
    Post count: 1517

    Mom won’t have to wait as long as we thought.  Her appointment is in July!

    I’d like to take her through the Virtual Doctor and the other tests here first, so she’ll have something to take to the specialist, as a starting point.  I have to take her through the tests, because she’s a complete computer (and typewriter) illiterate.

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