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June 5, 2015 at 5:18 am #127219
Wired- I know it gets on peoples nerves but if you’re sensitive to gluten it definitely affects joints. I’m intolerant and having it makes my joints/old injuries hurt and my mind slow. I’ve heard that the inflammation affects your whole body, including tissue in your brain. Not saying it’s necessarily gluten for you but if that’s true about the inflammation I could see why joints and brain fog are related. LOL this may come as a surprise but I’m not a doctor so don’t jump down my throat anyone.
Kristalina – if you try it definitely let me know . For right now I’m not taking any medication, I will try a few more things but screw it, I’m not going to feel like crap for limited amounts of clarity.
REPORT ABUSEJune 6, 2015 at 6:35 pm #127226Hey there sb12,
I think you are right about inflammation. Ever have those weird string of events where all signs point to yes? Just before your post I had a nurse at the hospital tell me ‘you know, you wouldn’t need these iron IV treatments if you took care of the inflammation in your bowels that prevents you from absorbing iron in the first place!’ Oh silly me, I was taken aback, well then “why didn’t my doctor tell me this if this was true?’ I asked. She told me that ‘they’ wanted me to stay sick so I they can make more money (creepy!) Next stop, at the grocery store. Standing in the spice aisle, a friendly clerk who I’ve been acquainted with for a decade, hands me a big bag of tumeric, just randomly, and tells me he heard this prevents breast cancer (his young wife died from this years ago) so I politely take it and buy it as it costs only $2.29 and he also advises drinking five cups of green tea a day, with no sugar :(… Anyways, the truth hurts and I am bloated and my skin is horrible and I feel lousy. A few days earlier my night school classmates all commented that I looked pregnant and I know for a fact that I am not! So, thank you for your suggestion, you’ve been the kindest from all the solicitations I’ve received, by far and it’s nice that you took the time to show you cared 🙂
REPORT ABUSEJune 8, 2015 at 8:35 pm #127241No problem, wired!! I would recommend doing a complete elimination diet for 3 weeks. It’s a pain in the butt but is very helpful to see what if any foods are negatively affecting you. When I first found out about the gluten I couldn’t have dairy or tree nuts or other grains because my body just couldn’t handle it. And like you said with the bloating that was one of the worst parts. And once I stopped eating it and inflammation went down you reintroduce the different foods to see how it goes. When I reintroduced the graIns I could feel the awful pain when it went through my intestines I swear that it felt like a Brillo pad like even if I just had a small amount. Now it’s been years though and everything’s better I just cannot have gluten even if I have some gluten it’s not bad but if I have it a few days in a row I start to get sick again so I know I really shouldn’t have any at all. Btw different nutritional deficiencies cleared up too, iron, a few b vitamins, some other stuff too, I can’t remember, I have records but I’m in bed lol. Oh one last thing, only like 15% of people with celiac even know they have it.
I went back to the doctor today. We are trying 20mg xr focalin in morning, and 10 mg ir after lunch. I hope it is good, but I am not super confident.
REPORT ABUSEJune 9, 2015 at 8:07 pm #127242Ok, so it was how should I put this? AWFUL. it was like I was beat in the head with an idiot stick. My symptoms were so much worse . Larynxa had posted a video a long time ago of the guy that wrote the book I just read about medication and I am definitely on too high of a dose. I am going to try a 10mg xr in morning and the 10 instant release after lunch for a few days and then if this doesn’t work I am definitely done with the Focalin . It definitely makes me like stuck in my own head and just that’s all. I can’t do anything else except for be anxious and think about what I’m saying what I said what I should say what other people are thinking blab blab blab. If the lower dose isn’t better then I’m thinking stimulant medication is not for me . Maybe wellbutrin or something?
REPORT ABUSEJune 9, 2015 at 9:04 pm #127243Hi again. I’m probably not going to take the focusene unless I can obtain more feedback about it. I’m very open to complementary/alternative things, but I also don’t want to take something without finding out more about it from people who know. When I first found out about the focusene, my husband suggested that I go on the totallyADD site to see if anyone had had any experience with it. I already take something called: ‘lumiday’, which is a natural supplement for depression. It contains high doses of the B-vitamins, Ashwaganda, Rhodeola, L-theanine, Vitamin D and St. John’s Wort. It helps boost serotonin levels and it does seem to help me to stay on more of an even keel, in terms of my mood. I think sometimes my biggest challenge is avoiding the things that exacerbate my condition (ADHD), which for me are caffeine and sugar. Right now I’m trying to eat more healthfully. I make a smoothie in the morning consisting of 1c. of frozen Wyman wild blueberries, 2-3tbsp of ground flax seed, 2 cups (generous) of fresh frozen organic kale, protein powder (whey or soy) and water. I’ve been trying to get into the habit of having that every day, and if and when I do have some chocolate or sugar, at least I have something healthy on board which seems to mitigate some of the effects. My goal is to have an occasional sweet and practice ‘moderation’ with chocolate and sweets in general. I also find exercise to be crucial, I like to run, as running seems to be a natural anti-depressant for me. My ADHD issues come up in my relationship with my husband as it seems like I am always blurting things out without thinking (fire/aim ready/) or putting something of his away somewhere without telling him and then he goes searching and is unable to find something he needs; “little” things like that that can be very annoying when you’re on the receiving end. My husband is very patient and tries very hard to be understanding. He’s working on being less reactive, my list of things to work on is too long to mention here! To try to make a long story short, I’m working on treating my ADHD holistically, with the things I just mentioned, plus my husband just mentioned FISH OIL tonight as something a nutritionist told him would be beneficial for ADHD. I need to find out about a high quality fish oil to purchase. If anyone has any experience with this or knows of a good brand of fish oil, please let me know. I know this post of mine is a classic example of ADHD at it’s best, but I just wanted to mention to Wired, that flax seed is also very good for joint issues and arthritis. My husband had issues with his knees and even some gouty arthritic symptoms in his elbows and since he has been having the flax seed in the smoothies, he has had no problems with his joints whatsoever. Anyway, didn’t intend to be so long-winded, but I hope some of this might be helpful. Good point about the gluten though, as that can reek havoc as well. Thank you all for your input.
REPORT ABUSEJune 10, 2015 at 6:24 am #127244Flaxseed can be bad if you have any hormonal issues. Most people don’t know that so I just kept taking it even though I was gaining weight, having a lot of breast pain and my period started skipping days in the middle took me a few months to realize it was not good for me.
REPORT ABUSESeptember 3, 2015 at 6:35 am #127382I was diagnosed with ADHD at 17 (I’m 30-something now) and prescribed Dexedrine. Oh MAN was that stuff good. I remember staying up late, secretly chain-smoking cigarettes, my hands shaking, gobbling down information to cram for my AP History tests…. It wasn’t healthy at all. It was addictive, and eventually I had to quit. I have since learned to work around my ADHD by building a lifestyle around my… shortcomings.
Somebody mentioned Focusene here. I do take focusene. It’s not a miracle pill, but it definitely does improve my focus far above normal levels without causing headaches or jitters. It’s safe enough stuff, probably wouldn’t hurt anyone.
The BEST thing I’ve found is getting regular exercise. Of course it’s virtually impossible for me to maintain a regular schedule, so daily exercise is rare!