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Need help in Chicago

Need help in Chicago2010-12-20T13:26:37+00:00

The Forums Forums Ask The Community Need help in Chicago

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  • #88844

    Post count: 14413

    Now what??? I’m 38 just put it all together and where do I go from here? I need to find a professional in chicago but I can’t afford to pay a professional. As many of us here I have had financial issues. What are we to do? Does anyone out there have any help on where to go in chicagoland area? Help!!!


    Rick Green – Founder of TotallyADD
    Post count: 473

    Hi Centaur,

    To find a Doctor or specialist you can try contacting your local CHADD group.

    The first thing you can do is educate yourself as much as possible.

    There are 33 videos in our STRAIGHT ANSWERS section, 17 with DR J., 15 of BILL’S ADDVENTURES and more. The Forums are full of information and ideas. There are over 11,000 members on this website, so there will be a ton of people who have experienced what you have. Every persons experience of ADHD/ADD is unique, because it seems to involve so many different genes and because each person’s circumstances are different. (Blurting out and having a mind that jumps around is good for a comedian. Whereas procrastination is a problem for me.)

    Read and learn as much as you can. Then look in our section about Treatment for tools and strategies that work for the ADHD/ADD mindset.

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