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Neurobiological Origin of Attention Deficit Disorder Discovered

Neurobiological Origin of Attention Deficit Disorder Discovered2015-11-06T11:20:36+00:00

The Forums Forums What is it? The History Neurobiological Origin of Attention Deficit Disorder Discovered

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  • #124846

    Post count: 3

    I have an article posted here by I f***ing love science that basically tells us that the root cause of ADD has been discovered and it has plenty of research and sources to back it up.


    The date of the article is April 11th 2014



    This is rather amazing and it also explains why some cases of ADD are genetic in people and some are not. What do you guys think? 😀


    Post count: 173

    Yikes. Thanks for posting this, @silentsaturn91 .

    The reporting (and the press release) are wildly overstated. “Neurobiological Origin of Attention Deficit Disorder Discovered” is just a made-you-click title, and the claim they they have “confirmed the biological origin of the disorder” is a wild leap that is not backed up by the study.

    The researchers used a genetically altered mouse that exhibited some symptoms that “remind us of adult patients suffering from one of the forms of ADD.” And therein lies the true finding. They meddled with mice and managed to get some symptoms that in some vague mousy ways, seem similar to ADHD in humans.

    You can read the full paper here: http://download.springer.com/static/pdf/849/art%253A10.1007%252Fs00429-014-0745-5.pdf?auth66=1397852726_cde3d6884e25e1014bad2a576246452a&ext=.pdf

    So why the shamelessly claimy press release? These animal models are big money-makers, since they are used in drug-development research. Could it be that the university hopes to market their mouse model as the new animal ADHD model and a make a fortune?  While we could certainly use an improvement over the current critter, we are still a long long way from finding the cheese.



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